XBrick Coin

XBrick Coin

Created using Figma

Letztes Update


XBrick.io ist ein etablierter / operativer Krypto-zu-Krypto-Austausch, der von Branchenexperten gegründet wurde.
XBrick Exchange veröffentlicht jetzt seine Plattformmarke XBrick Coin (XBC) gemäß der Beschreibung in unserem Whitepaper.
Die XBC Pre-Sale Final Stage befindet sich JETZT.
Public-sale Period
100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
Ziel 4 500 000.00 USD
  • 1 XBC
    0.045 USD
Pre-sale Period
100% abgeschlossen
$1 550 000
59% ziel abgeschlossen
Ziel 2 600 000.00 USD
  • 1 XBC
    0.033 USD
Akzeptierte Währungen
Eingetragenes Land
Weitere Details

Über XBrick Coin

Über XBrick

XBrick ist eine globale Kryptowährung, die sich im Besitz von X Bockchain Pty Ltd, einem Technologieunternehmen für Blockketten mit Sitz in Sydney, Australien, befindet.

Die Kernmitglieder von XBrick hatten zuvor leitende Positionen in verschiedenen bei ASX notierten Unternehmen, australischen Boutique Family Offices und führenden Finanzinstituten inne. Das Betriebsteam verfügt über ausgeprägte Unternehmensführungsfähigkeiten im globalen Hochfrequenzhandel und Risikomanagement.

XBrick wurde unabhängig von seinem technischen Team entwickelt, das über umfassende Erfahrung mit Kryptowährungs- und Blockchain-Technologien verfügt. XBrick bietet Benutzern mehrere & nbsp; -Sprachen an und unterstützt eine automatische & lsquo; kenne deinen Kunden & rsquo; Identitätsüberprüfungsverfahren, verwendet die bankstandardisierte SSL-verschlüsselte Datenübertragungs- und Multi-Cluster-Systemarchitektur und wendet das Hot / Cold-Speichersystem für das Crypto-Wallet-Management an.

Die Hochleistungs-Handelsmaschine von XBrick ist in der Lage, mehr als 2 Millionen Aufträge pro Sekunde zu verarbeiten. XBrick baut einen sicheren, stabilen und bequemen weltweiten Krypto-Währungsumtausch.

XBrick hat mit seinen Beratern mit jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung im Market Making und im Handel mit Hochfrequenz-Erfahrungen eine ausgereifte Technologie entwickelt, die kontinuierlich handelbare Liquidität von Kanälen auf der ganzen Welt einscannt und sammelt, um ein einfaches und zugängliches Global Consolidated Order Book (GCOB) zu bilden Zeigt die besten Marktpreise und -tiefen für die Benutzer von XBrick sowie eine Dynamic Liquidity Providing Engine (DLPE) an, die bei Bedarf automatisch Liquidität für unsere Benutzer bereitstellt. Dies ist alles Teil des XBrick Exchange 2.0, der in Q2 / Q3 2018 in verschiedenen Schritten erscheinen soll.


  • Crypto-to-Crypto wird derzeit in vier Anlageklassen gehandelt: ETH, MBTC (BTC in tausend Teilen), BITCNY & amp; USDT
  • ICO-Vertriebsdienste für Projekte auf der ganzen Welt
  • Hier können Sie Ihre nicht-finanziellen Kryptos auflisten

XBrick Coin Roadmap

  • Nov 2016

  • Launched the XBrick project.
  • Dec 2016

  • XBrick technical team in place, development started.
  • Jul 2017

  • XBrick system 1.0 completed, internal testing.
  • Sep 2017

  • Venture round capital raising completed.
  • Weiterlesen
  • Nov 2017

  • Official launch of XBrick exchange (web-based).
    Official launch of XBrick trading app (Android).
  • Dec 2017

  • Official launch of XBrick trading app (iOS).
    Global Consolidated Order Book program initiated.
  • Feb 2018

  • XBrick exchange charting system upgraded (web-based).
  • May 11th 2018

  • XBC Pre-sale round open.
  • Q3 2018

  • Dynamic-Liquidity-Providing-Engine (stage one) added to XBrick Exchange.
    Launch XBC public sale.
    Welcome market-makers.
  • Q3 2018

  • Brand new trading interface
    Continuous system and technology upgrades and R&D to become a First-Tier Cryptocurrencies Exchange

XBrick Coin Mannschaft

Verifiziert 60%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Ye (Leafer) Zhao
Chief Executive Officer
Bill Richie Yang
Chief Operations Officer
Virginia Lam
Head of Marketing
Curt Shi
Project Panel Member
David Coe
Chief Editor


Verifiziert 20%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Dwayne Gamman
System Development Specialist
Nick Cheng
Trading System Specialist
Yun Lin
Cyber Security Advisor
Brenda Saveluc
Legal Advisor
Chloe Liu
Digital Marketing Advisor


Mike Ye
Chief Risk Oficcer

XBrick Coin Interviews

Ye (Leafer) Zhao
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
CEO of XBrick. Welcome everyone.
Bill Richie Yang
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
My role is to bring the well-regulated stock market operations expertise to the crypto space, to XBrick.
Compliance is a BIG THING for any 1st tier stock exchange around the world, and I'm here to make sure XBrick operates professionally and make sure that we always act to the best interest of our platform users.
As our slogan states we're building a "Reliable and Secure Professional Crypto Currency Exchange" - XBRICK !
Virginia Lam
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Hi everyone! This is Virginia.
If you're interested in joining us on the journey to become one of the most dynamic and powerful crypto exchanges, see you at our global Telegram group at https://t.me/XBrick_GLOBAL :)
Nick Cheng
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
My background is in electronic trading, I'm advising XBrick on building a state-of-art trading system that will present the world's crypto liquidity in one platform. XBrick is also aiming to bring Wall Street standard trading functionalties such as advanced order types and automated trading strategies for its users.

XBrick Coin Letzte Nachrichten

5.0 15
ICO Profil Vision Aktivität Potenzial Produkt Mannschaft

% name% Bewertungen

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

XBRICK is a world-class cryptocurrency exchange platform. Based on an in-house expertly-developed system, the platform is designed to create a secure, unworthy and efficient exchange for top-quality, block-chain based assets. Its high-performance trading engine is capable of facilitating millions of orders every second.


  • The platform has teamed up with LiquidAlpha, a strategic partner, with an experience of more than ten years both as a trader and as a developer. Together they have been developing sophisticated systems.
  • XBrick is creating XBC (XBrick Coin), a token that will entitle its holders a 50 percent discount on the trading fees associated with the use of the ecosystem provided XBC is used to pay for the trading fees.
  • Part of the proceeds from the sale of XBC will be used to promote the adoption of blockchain technology through initiatives like educating the public, hosting blockchain forums and scholarships.
  • It provides multiple languages to users, supports an automatic identity verification procedure among many other stringent security measures guaranteed to make the crypto wallet reliable, secure and stable.
  • XBrick features Atomic multicast, flow matching technology and synchronization lasting consistency technology to ensure the order process is not only fast, and reliable but also capable of seamlessly interacting with the database.
  • Team; the team comprises of blockchain experts who are conversant with the digital currency and have a deep sense of social responsibility. So, besides ensuring the system functions optimally, they will promote blockchain technology.
  • The whitepaper; it is comprehensive adopts different styles (illustrations, charts, and tables) ensuring the reader understands the concept and gets a fulfilling experience while reading it.


  • While the whitepaper indicates that a small fee is charged for withdrawals, the exact value of the charges is not provided.
  • `The system only accepts ETH, BTC and EOS tokens. Additionally, a public token sale does not accept fiat currencies for the purchase of platform tokens.
  • The 15 percent of the proceeds from the token sale that will be set aside for unforeseen events and changes on new plans is a lot.


  • Decide and state, expressly, on the whitepaper what percentage each of the different fees (trading, withdrawal and listing fees) will constitute.
  • The platform should accept many other major cryptocurrencies for speedy adoption and expansion of the market. The token sale should also accept fiat currency.
  • Reduce the percentage of proceeds reserved for unexpected events and variations in plan and increase slightly the percentage of the exchange reserve.

NOTE: Many people have a hard time trading in the various blockchain assets. To such individuals, XBricks will come in handy. The fact it promotes adoption of digital currency means its future prospects are high. So, I will be among the first people to invest in this platform.

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