

Created using Figma
WordPool is a decentralized NFT Marketplace for authors, writers, readers and collectors to sell, discover and collect literary works. WORD is the deflationary token used to interact with the WordPool ecosystem.
To be announced
2 000 000 000
5% - Team
10% - Marketing
35% - For Sale + Airdrop
50% - Already Burned

50% of tokens already burned.

5% to Liquidity

5% of each transaction added to the Liquidity Pool.
3% to Holders
3% of each transaction distributed to all Holders.
Weitere Details
Binance Smart Chain.

Über WordPool

NFT (Non-Fungible Token) is a digital certificate that helps to prove the ownership of a digital item.

NFTs can be used to represent items such as pictures, audios, documents and any other types of digital files. Owning an NFT means that you have the original version of the digital file. It’s recorded, stored and managed publicly via blockchain technology.

WordPool is a decentralized NFT marketplace that will change the literary world. Our platform allows authors and writers to mint their works as NFTs, sell them for fixed price or place at auction. At the same time, readers, collectors and fans can buy unique works to keep or resell them.


Know more about the possibilities of NFTs for Writers.


First Copy

Mint as NFT and sell the digital copy of your book as the first one ever created.



Signed & Special Editions

Mint as NFTs and sell limited number of signed, exclusive and special digital copies of your book.



Exclusive Bonuses

Mint as NFTs and sell drafts, additional original illustrations, and other content bonuses.



Video & Audio

Mint as NFT and sell an exclusive video or audio file with you reading your book.




Receive payment from each successful resale.



Not for Book Writers only

Any authors can mint their literary works as NFTs and sell them on WordPool platform. Join our Beta!

WordPool Roadmap


  • Wake up with an Idea
    Conduct a Market Research
    Assemble a Team
    Launch a Website
    Begin to develop an NFT Platform

  • Deploy a Contract
    Start building a Community
    Release a Whitepaper v1.0
    Launch an Airdrop Campaign
    Start a Pre-Sale Event

  • List WORD token on PancakeSwap
    List WORD token on CoinMarketCap & CoinGecko
    Continue to grow the Community
    Build Collaborations & Partnerships
    Launch a Beta version of the NFT Platform

WordPool Mannschaft

Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Alex Yankevich
CMO, Co-founder
Roman Golovaty
CTO, Co-founder

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