Woonkly ICO

Woonkly ICO

Created using Figma

Letztes Update


Woonk "WNK" ist ein ERC 20-Token, das Marken, Content-Ersteller, Werbetreibende und ihr Publikum direkt auf internationaler Ebene verbindet. Keine Vermittlung Woonk entstand aus der Idee heraus, Vermittler in der traditionellen Werbekommunikationskette zwischen Werbetreibenden und ihrem Publikum zu eliminieren. Auf diese Weise reduzieren Werbetreibende die Werbekosten drastisch. Anstatt die Inhalte der Werbetreibenden anzuzeigen, erhalten die Benutzer verschlüsselte Währungen und generieren potenzielle Unterstützung für die Marke.
  • Markt
    Band 24H
    24H (Preis)
    24H (Volumen)
    WOONK/ETH % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0059
    $ 6.303 K
100% abgeschlossen
$100 000
10% ziel abgeschlossen
Ziel 1 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 WNK
    0.004 USD
6.5% Team and advisors
30% Reservation
30% sale
1.5% Bountys
16% Founders and investors
1% Youtubers
15% Marketing development
Akzeptierte Währungen
Registrierter Firmenname
Inversión semántica SAPI de CV
Eingetragenes Land
Firma gegründet
Jan 1, 2018
1 May-1 June:
Private sale for subscribers of Mr. Santos on Youtube (50% Bonus)

1 June-1 July:
Private sale for subscribers of other YouTube channels (40% Bonus)

1 July- 1 September:
Private sale (Capitals of Arab Emirates, Hong Kong and Europe) (30% Bonus)

1 September-1 October:
ICO Phase 1 (20% Bonus)

1 October- 1 November:
ICO Phase 2 (10% Bonus)

1 November- 31 December:
ICO Phase 3 (0% Bonus)

Official ICO Start
1 May 2018
Weitere Details
Ja , von Aug 1, 2018 bis Sep 1, 2018

Über Woonkly ICO

Werbetreibende können mithilfe der Blockchain-Technologie und intelligenten Verträgen mit ihren Zuschauern kommunizieren, um ihr Werbebudget direkt auf Personen zu verteilen, die ihre Inhalte sehen oder mit ihnen interagieren. Der Smart-Vertrag kümmert sich um alles. Erhält das Geld (in Notfällen) und sorgt für die Verteilung mit dem Publikum, wobei die vom Werbetreibenden in seiner Kampagne festgelegten Regeln eingehalten werden. Keine Provisionen von einem Vermittler. Woonkly ist für die Erstellung von Open Source-Tools zur Verwendung des Woonk verantwortlich. Ein% von dem, was Woonkly sammelt, wird bei der Erstellung neuer Open Source-Tools mit der internationalen Entwicklergemeinschaft geteilt.

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Woonkly ist das erste direkte und dezentrale Verbindungs-Token zwischen Marken und ihrem Publikum, das 100% Open Source-Tools verwendet.

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Die Registrierung in Woonkly ist sowohl für Inhaltsersteller als auch für Benutzer kostenlos. Entwickler von Inhalten können ihre Videos, Bilder oder Beiträge von verschiedenen Plattformen auf unkomplizierte Art und Weise verlinken, um mehr Bekanntheit zu erhalten, oder wenn sie es vorziehen, ihre Zielgruppe mit unserem & ldquo; woonk & rdquo; Kryptowährung, um in wenigen Stunden, Minuten oder sogar Sekunden Tausende oder sogar Millionen Ansichten oder Interaktionen zu erhalten.


Woonkly ist aus der Idee hervorgegangen, dass Teilen die Basis für Erfolg ist. Unsere Philosophie ist, dass jeder gewinnt.

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Denken Sie darüber nach. Die jährlichen Werbeinvestitionen übersteigen 600 Milliarden Dollar. Stellen Sie sich vor, ein Teil dieses Geldes geht direkt an Menschen, die diese Werbung sehen. Wäre es nicht fairer? Logischer?

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Das ist Woonkly. Die Verbindung zwischen dem Kapital, das Unternehmen oder Künstler in die Werbung investieren, und den Menschen, die die Videos dieser Unternehmen oder Künstler ansehen. Wir verbinden das Kapital von Werbetreibenden mit ihrer Zielgruppe.

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Die wichtigsten Vorteile für jede Gruppe sind:

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Verdienen Sie Geld, indem Sie Videos (Youtube, Vimeo, Viuli & hellip;) ansehen

Verdienen Sie Geld, indem Sie digitale Inhalte freigeben

Verdienen Sie Geld, indem Sie mit Videos, Bildern und Posts interagieren

Nehmen Sie an kostenlosen täglichen Kryptowährungslotterien teil

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& nbsp;

Verlinken Sie Ihre Inhalte kostenlos und machen Sie sich ein Bild

Mit dem Boost-Tool können Sie Ihre Inhalte in Sekundenschnelle viralisieren

10-mal besser zugänglich als jedes andere Tool

Belohnen Sie Ihr Publikum direkt für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit

Technische Information

Unser Token, das "WOONK"
Content-Viralisierungs-Token mit dem folgenden Merkmal:

-Es ist eine im Ethereum-Netzwerk erstellte Kryptowährung

- Verwendet die ERC20- und 223-Technologie

- basiert auf intelligenten Verträgen

- Es gibt 10.000 Millionen Woonks.

- Werbetreibende können Woonks kaufen, um ihre Inhalte zu viralisieren.

- Benutzer können Woonks durch Interaktion mit dem Inhalt verdienen.

- Benutzer können Woonks verdienen, indem sie verbunden werden.

- Werbetreibende entscheiden, wie viele Woonks sie ihrer Community geben möchten

- Ein Prozent der Woonks soll Influencer und guten Inhalt belohnen

- Sie sind Teil eines internen Kreises des nachhaltigen Kaufens und Verkaufs

- WERT DER WOONK: 1 ETH (Ethereum) = 50.000 WNK

Woonkly ICO Roadmap

  • Q1 - 2021:

  • ✓NFT Decentralized Social Network Programming.
    ✓Listing applications on Coinmarketcap, Coingecko, and similar.
    ✓Hiring of corporate offices in Madrid.
  • Q2 - 2021:

  • ✓Listing on Gate.io, XT.com, and Digifinex.com.
    ✓WOOP Stake launch on Kubic.com.
    ✓International Events Road Show.
    ✓Partnership with cybersecurity company Halborn.com.
  • Q3 - 2021:

  • ✓Launch of Social Network on Ethereum Testnet (Rinkeby) at v1.woonkly.com.
    ✓Signing of Partnerships.
    ✓Preparation of International Marketing Campaign.
    ✓Road Show at international events as Sponsors.
  • Q4 - 2021:

  • ✓Publication of updated Whitepaper.
    ✓Launch of Woonkly Metasocial Network v1.
    • Ethereum Mainnet.
    • Binance Smart Chain Mainnet.
    ✓First phase of International Marketing Campaign.
    ✓Marketing on Telegram, Discord & Twitter groups.
    ✓Launch event in Paddock of the Abu Dhabi F1 Grand Prix.
    ✓International Press Release Campaign.
  • Weiterlesen
  • Q1 - 2022:

  • ✓Launch of Woonkly Metasocial Network v2.
    ✓Integration of Woonkly Stake to distribute fees.
    ✓Friends and Followers system.
    ✓"Explore" to find friends.
    ✓Integration of differentiated profile types (Users/Influencers, Brands/Business, Games/ Metaverses).
    ✓Improvements and new features in the Social Network.
    ✓Connection with Metamask, TrustWallet, TokenPocket, and Wallet Connect.
    ✓Launch on Avalanche Mainnet.
    ✓Second phase of International Marketing Campaign.
  • Q2 - 2022:

  • ✓Woonkly Metasocial Network 2.1 launch.
    ✓Single NFT upload integration (Eth, Bnb, and Avax Networks).
    ✓Multiple NFT upload integration (Eth, Bnb, and Avax Networks).
    ✓Quick NFT activation on v1 (to create an NFT faster and easier).
    ✓Contract audits (Eth, Bnb, and Avax).
    ✓Discover section (to see all public posts in one place).
    ✓Create NFTs with no gas cost until it goes on sale (pre-nft).
    ✓Activation of NFT sale at Fixed Price, Auction Price, Open for Bid, Not for Sale
    ✓Disable NFT uploads on Woonkly v1.
    ✓Woonkly Administration backend.
    ✓Classification by subcategories.
    ✓Mixed Royalties system integration.
    ✓Listing on Exchange Kucoin.
    ✓Third Phase of International Marketing Campaign.
  • Q3 - 2022:

  • Launch of Woonkly Metasocial Network v3.
    ✓Activation of new Home design.
    ✓System connection to Web3 through social networks.
    ✓Velas blockchain integration.
    ✓Polygon blockchain integration.
    ✓Activation of NFT collections uploads in bulk (v1).
    ✓NFTs visualization filters.
    ✓NFTs co-owners sharing system integration.
    ✓Verified profile tick activation.
    ✓Import of NFTs from external platforms.
    ✓Import collections from Woonkly v1 to the current version.
    ✓Activation of Redeemable NFTs system.
    ✓WOOP token listing request on TOP 5 global Exchange.
    ✓Improvements and new features in the Social Network.

    As of Q4 2022, Woonkly is evolving towards becoming the first decentralized, viral advertising system on Web3 with mass-selling options through its NFT marketplace.
  • Q4 - 2022:

  • Woonkly final version
    - First Mint of the Woonkly Mining Power collection using WST and the Woonkly F1 Collection.
    - Second Mint of the Woonkly Mining Power collection using WOOP.
    - Third Mint of the Woonkly Mining Power collection using ETH.
  • Q1 - 2023:

  • - Launch of decentralized advertising panel with CPR (Cost per Rewoop) system and infinite carousel.
    - Launch of the mass-selling system. Advertisers can choose a "call to action" for their campaigns, allowing users to buy their products massively.
    - Launch of the Free Pot. Users can participate for free in the daily accumulated pot, which distributes 5%* of the total capital invested by advertisers. To participate, they must have staked at least 1,000 WOOP.
    - Launch of the Daily Bonus. The users can claim for free (with gas cost) everyday entries for the draws of the accumulated jackpot, which distributes 5%* of the total capital invested by advertisers.
    - Launch of the Hourly Bonus. Users can claim for free (with gas cost) entries for the draws of the accumulated jackpot every hour, which distributes 5%* of the total capital invested by advertisers.
    - Launch of the Woonkly Mining Power Stake. 40%* of the total capital invested by advertisers and 25%* of the fees from the sales generated are distributed directly among the holders of the "Woonkly Mining Power" NFT collection. The accumulated fees are distributed among those staking with their NFTs from the WMP collection.
    - Launch of the Referral System.
    - Users can refer advertisers and receive 5% directly from all the capital invested by those they have successfully invited. All automatically through Smart Contracts. Only one direct level.
    - Users will be able to refer other users and receive 10% of all the entries and prizes obtained by their direct referred friends. Only one direct level.
    - First advertisers acquisition.
    - First Advertising Campaign aimed to acquire advertisers and users.
  • Q2 - 2023:

  • International expansion
    - Launch of Rewoop Sales System. Users will be able to Rewoop to publish on their Woonkly profile various NFTs, products, and services, and if another user buys it through their profile or feed, the referring user will earn 25% of the sales fee.
    - Launch of Multi Ads. Users can activate the ability to watch all ads to increase their daily earnings by simply staking at least 10,000 WOOP.
    - Launch of Double Power. Users will be able to activate the Double Power. It doubles their profit in ETH or BNB every time they hit the Rewoop button. To start it, they have to Stake 100,000 WOOP.
    - Launch of Advanced Referral System. Adding to the standard referral system, the user who referred the advertiser will receive 25% direct fees from the sales obtained by the advertiser on woonkly.com.
    - Expansion Funding Round.
    - Creation of a professional sales team aimed at acquiring advertisers.
    - Viral communication campaign.

Woonkly ICO Mannschaft

Verifiziert 44%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Mr. Santos
Presidente & CEO
Matei Antohi
Jonathan Álvarez
Sara Santos


$100 000

Shuberth Chi
Oscar Cardenas
Chief Blockchain Officer


$100 000

Ghita El Kasri
Blockchain financial arquitect


$100 000

Derek Jones
Financial Blockchain Manager


$100 000

Ghali El Kasri
Blockchain Architect


$100 000

Hassan Lahlou
Blockchain Mathematical DirectorBlockchain Mathema...


$100 000

Kevin Quino
UX & UI Designer
Gustavo Rueda
Web Developer
Jacob Nuño
Multiplatform Developer
Carlos Pavia
Web Development Director
Ilich Arredondo
Frontend Developer
David Leonardo


Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Paul D´souza
Silicon Valley Advisor
Álvaro Santos
Javier García
Plug & Play Advisor
Daniel Muvdi
David Battaglia


Mendy Srugo
Advisor & investor

Woonkly ICO Interviews

Mr. Santos
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Hi, Im Daniel Santos. CEO of Woonkly. What must i do to control this page and change the info? Thank you very much. Regards
Sara Santos
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am in charge of the marketing department.

I take care of the strategies, documents and organization. Protocols and I am the responsible that everything stipulated is carried out.

On the other hand, I'm in charge of the correction of final texts.

I love the idea of woonkly, I hate that every time, advertising is more invasive. It bothers me to see how companies earn more and more at my expense. We need a project like woonkly.
Shuberth Chi
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
We are transforming the way ads are consumed using blockchain technology.
Gustavo Rueda
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
My role in this company mostly consists of supporting with the documentation of the company's projects, likewise I collaborate with the backend for our applications and sometimes I help with the layout of the frontend. I was also a collaborator in the design of the bot that is used in our select Telegram groups.
What do you think about idea?
I think it is an excellent idea, with a lot of potential. I really see a big oportunity with this ICO.
Jacob Nuño
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
My main role in Woonkly is the collaboration in the creation, layout, coding, testing and support of the web projects mainly in their fronted part; likewise, I collaborate in the design of the backend of our applications/components. I also was a collaborator in the development of the bot used in our Telegram groups.
What do you think about idea?
It is a great place to work, I think it's a very interesting idea, innovative and with a lot of potential to grow. I am very happy to be part of this project and be able to make this idea a reality.
Carlos Pavia
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Senior Developer with lots of web development skills, database techniques and UX enhancements, with CMS, ERP and Frameworks basis.
What do you think about idea?
Woonkly isn't only a great project, also is productive, smart and very friendly with the user, along with a true, innovative concept inside the web.
Ilich Arredondo
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am in charge of the front end development team. I decide which technologies are going to be used and their design patterns, also I help every one with a doubt in frontend.
What do you think about idea?
I strongly believe in Woonkly, I see it as future in the ad industry and I can't stop thinking of the endless possibilities and applications it could reach.

Woonkly ICO Letzte Nachrichten

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