

Created using Figma
Woolong ($WLNG) is designed to emulate the digital currency seen in the acclaimed anime series Cowboy Bebop, Space Dandy, and Carol & Tuesday. ✊
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Über Woolong

The Woolong Corp ecosystem consists of the following divisions.

Woolong Cryptocurrency Token (BEP-20 Trade Symbol: WLNG), Woolong NFT Marketplace, Woolong Clothing & Accessories, Woolong Crypto Exchange, Woolong Community Forum, Woolong Merchant Payment Services, and the soon-to-be-released Woolong Play to Earn Bounty Hunt Game.

With the proper attention, adoption, real-life value propositions, and calculated execution, Woolong Corp will rise to global heights, spanning generations and providing a user experience that is not seen in today's blockchain community.

In addition to attracting adoption from the Woolong brand user base, the focus is to attract more users willing to assimilate blockchain applications and digital currencies into their livelihood.

Woolong Corp will become an industry leader by addressing issues that currently hinder the next level of the digital revolution's proliferation and is poised to become an ultramodern blockchain development entity, developed with state-of-the-art technologies, and ensuring user interactions that are fast, affordable, secure, and available to all users with only basic computer skills.

Woolong Corp is the legal trademark owner of the Woolong Brand and is proud to draw inspiration from Cowboy Bebop, Space Dandy, and Carol & Tuesday's animated and live-action series.

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