

Created using Figma
Wonderland is the first decentralized reserve currency protocol available on the Avalanche Network based on the TIME token. Each TIME token is backed by a basket of assets (e.g., MIM, TIME-AVAX LP Tokens etc etc) in the Wonderland treasury, giving it an intrinsic value that it cannot fall below. Wonderland also introduces economic and game-theoretic dynamics into the market through staking and bonding.
  • Markt
    Band 24H
    24H (Preis)
    24H (Volumen)
  • Poloniex
    TIME/USDT vor einem Jahr
    $ 10.61
    $ 3.29
  • Hotbit
    TIME/USDT vor einem Jahr
    $ 11.70
    $ 23.415 K
  • AscendEX (BitMax)
    TIME/USDT vor einem Jahr
    $ 45.12
    $ 43.85
  • Trader Joe
    TIME/0XCE1BFFBD5374DAC86A2893119683F4911A2F7814 vor einem Jahr
    $ 62.84
    $ 23.50
  • Trader Joe
    TIME/0XCC2F1D827B18321254223DF4E84DE399D9FF116C vor einem Jahr
    $ 62.10
  • Trader Joe
    TIME/0XC7198437980C041C805A1EDCBA50C1CE5DB95118 % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 128.68
  • Trader Joe
    TIME/0XC7198437980C041C805A1EDCBA50C1CE5DB95118 % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 302.66
  • Trader Joe
    TIME/0XC38F41A296A4493FF429F1238E030924A1542E50 % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 1,772.35
  • Gate.io
    TIME/USDT % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 4,457.61
    $ 194.611 K
To be announced
Weitere Details

Über Wonderland

What is the point of Wonderland?  

Our goal is to build a policy-controlled currency system, native on the AVAX network, in which the behavior of the TIME token! In the long term, we believe this system can be used to optimize for stability and consistency so that TIME can function as a global unit-of-account and medium-of-exchange currency. In the short term, we intend to optimize the system for growth and wealth creation.

We intend to achieve price flatness for a representative basket of goods without the use of fiat currency, in order to allow the cryptocurrency industry to detach once and for all from the traditional finance world!

How do I participate in Wonderland?  

There are two main strategies for market participants: staking and bonding. Stakers stake their TIME tokens in return for more TIME tokens, while bonders provide LP tokens or MIM tokens in exchange for discounted TIME tokens after a fixed vesting period.

How can I benefit from Wonderland?  

The main benefit for stakers comes from supply growth. The protocol mints new TIME tokens from the treasury, the majority of which are distributed to the stakers. Thus, the gain for stakers will come from their auto-compounding balances, though price exposure remains an important consideration. That is, if the increase in token balance outpaces the potential drop in price (due to inflation), stakers would make a profit.

The main benefit for bonders comes from price consistency. Bonders commit a capital upfront and are promised a fixed return at a set point in time; that return is given in TIME tokens and thus the bonder's profit would depend on TIME price when the bond matures. Taking this into consideration, Bonders benefit from a rising or static price for the TIME token!

Who created Wonderland?  

Wonderland is a fork of Olympus on the Avalanche Network. Our team is mostly anonymous, born from the DeFi Community. We aim at becoming a Decentralized Autonomous Organization, and we are actively working towards that goal.

Who runs Wonderland?  

Currently most of the decisions are taken by the core team, but we expect to be able to turn this into a DAO-governed model as soon as possible!

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