

Created using Figma
CryptoWheelers is a Formula 1 NFT play to earn project. We use the token WHEEL to use as a reward.
To be announced
Weitere Details

Über Wheelers

Play To Earn

Earn WHEEL tokens by beating track records, staking your gains or selling your assets in the marketplace.

CryptoWheelers is a P2E 100% Blockchain Strategy Game, no server-side logic to bring security and transparency to the community.

Token Burn

To provide a deflationary ecosystem, every time you spend your WHEELs (Enter Pit Stop, Marketplace Fees, Create a new car...) we burn it.

Pit Stop

Lock your car in a pit stop to increase its level and boost its attributes (acceleration, turn, speed).


Run a lap in every track once a day. Each track has different fixed times in order to achieve either its Bronze, Silver or Gold Award.

Bronze: 65 WHEEL.

Silver: 90 WHEEL.

Gold: 115 WHEEL.

Extra Bonus: Monthly/Weekly tracks record will receive 2000 WHEELs.


A car is made up of 3 NFT parts (Engine, Tires, Chassis), each NFT is unique and therefore has unique attributes.

Buy or Sell cars in our Marketplace.

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