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World renowned craftsman Wagmi-san, famous for the most grailed accessories, recently set up a shop in New Tokyo called 10KTF. Depending on the day, Wagmi-san might create accessories for Apes, Cats, Robots, Loots… it’s really up to whatever he’s in the mood for. A man of honor, he only makes objects for customers who own parent NFTs. His accessories are 1 of 1 digital objects that will only be created once. Life is good. But he’s still required to pay for protection to keep his shop open. It’s better than the alternative. After what happened last summer, he can’t let that happen again
To be announced
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Über Wagmi-san

World renowned craftsman Wagmi-san, famous for the most grailed accessories, recently set up a shop in New Tokyo called 10KTF. Depending on the day, Wagmi-san might create accessories for Apes, Cats, Robots, Loots… it’s really up to whatever he’s in the mood for. A man of honor, he only makes objects for customers who own parent NFTs. His accessories are 1 of 1 digital objects that will only be created once. Life is good. But he’s still required to pay for protection to keep his shop open. It’s better than the alternative. After what happened last summer, he can’t let that happen again

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