Vovo Finance

Vovo Finance

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Vovo Finance, Grow Your Crypto with Customizable Yield. Structured products with various risk-returns and payoff structures through packaged financial instruments.
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Über Vovo Finance

Vovo Finance is a structured products protocol that offers a variety of products catering to users with different risk profiles and market views. Vovo offers products including:

  • Principal Protected Products: Stand a chance to earn large profits without the risk of losing a gwei. The first product is built by integrating Curve with GMX perpetual swap exchanges on Arbitrum.
  • Yield Enhancement Products: Earn high returns by taking the risk of your choice. Yield is being produced by integrating with on-chain Option protocols like Primitive Finance and Opyn’s Squeeth products.

The advantages of Vovo Finance include:

  • Fully automated without off-chain dependency on market makers. Many existing structured products protocols source the liquidity from off-chain market makers, relying on the team to move the funds around to place orders. Vovo, however, is an autonomous protocol that sources its liquidity fully from other onchain DeFi pools, without the need to trust any third party.
  • For the risk-averse, the daring, the bulls and the bears. Vovo offers different products for users with different risk preferences and market views.
  • An organic yield. Many projects talk about sustainable yield recently, but DeFi is still far from achieving that. Most DeFi protocols’ high APY is sustained by governance token emissions, but the runway is short before APY drives the token price over a cliff. Vovo Finance allows users to earn an organic yield from derivatives regardless of market conditions.
  • Easy access to on-chain financial instruments. Vovo democratizes derivatives and interest rate products for those without deep financial knowledge.
  • Passive investing and cost saving. Achieving a certain risk profile requires consistently trading and rebalancing, which is expensive on-chain. Since Vovo’s keeper handles the rolling activities for all users via an aggregated pool, it greatly reduces the operational and gas cost.

Over the long term, Vovo aims to become an ecosystem that unlocks unlimited volume offerings of passive investing by allowing users to invest into products with customized payoffs.

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