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VolAir bietet den Menschen private Jet-Charter und luxuriösen Lifestyle. VolAir bereitet sich darauf vor, durch unsere kommende App einen einfachen Zugang zu bieten, um jedem die bestmöglichen Privatjet-Tarife und den dazugehörigen Lebensstil zu bieten. Neben der Erreichbarkeit erhalten Sie mit Ihrem VOL-Geldbeutel Treueprämien und exklusive Vorteile von unseren Partnern. Wir sind bestrebt, Ihnen den bisher nur erträumten Privatjet-Luxus-Lifestyle zu bieten. Während andere von Mondlambos besessen sind, möchten wir Sie in Luxusnähe dem Mond näher bringen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf unserer Website.
Main Sale
100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
Ziel 30 000 000.00 USD
Limit 28 530 000.00 USD
  • 1 VOL
    0.12 USD
Akzeptierte Währungen
Eingetragenes Land
Weitere Details
Ja , von Jul 10, 2018 bis Nov 30, 2018

Über VolAir

As a customer today, you will have to pay a large recurring subscription fee, as well as retainer membership fees in order to have access to the Uber of Jets. Flying on a private jet may seem like a luxury, but if you’re already paying a large sum for the cost of the service, why are you then having to pay so much more on top of that for the service?

The way that the industry is currently structured exploits the customer wanting to use the service in exchange for convenience and service, rather than reward.

This isn’t only seen in the private jet charter industry, but also across the luxury lifestyle sector. Other than individual companies offering loyalty to their services, you as a customer really don’t get the benefit of your service.

On top of this, as any loyalty program works currently, you are very limited as to how you can redeem these points and their value is completely dependent on how the program or company in question decides. This means you are partially rewarded for your loyalty, but how you can then actually use that, is decided by someone else.

VolAir changes this model, bringing customers the best service from the start. Without up-front membership fees or subscriptions, VolAir rewards customer loyalty. Starting with private jet chartering, our loyalty framework and tiering rewards customers for using our services. The more you use us, the more you’re rewarded.

Our tiered model provides customers with more benefits the higher they climb through the tiers; which don’t require your money, but just to use our services more. Those rewards are issued in VOL tokens, which can either be exchanged for fiat, flights, or staked in your integrated VOL wallet to achieve a higher tier and receive further benefits.

Through our increasing partner network in the luxury lifestyle sector, we will cater for your every need, and as you reward us with your custom, we reward you too. For our partners we offer not just an increase in customer base, but also we can handle all transactions, customer contracts and deposits for you through our smart contract backend.

If our customers choose to allow their data to be shared with our partners, you will also be able to receive advanced sales analytics, to help you better understand how to reach those customers. This, of course feeds back to our customers in terms of services, as well as rewarded in VOL tokens for agreement of sharing of this information.


Derzeit sind wir gerade dabei, Partner zu integrieren und nutzen unseren geografischen Plan, um wichtige Standorte auf der ganzen Welt zu etablieren, an denen VolAir eine Präsenz benötigt. Dies ist soweit definiert als:

- Schweiz

- Singapur

- Nordamerika

- Dubai

& nbsp;

Wir haben in diesen Bereichen Netzwerke aufgebaut, nicht nur im Jet-Bereich, sondern auch im gesamten Luxus-Lifestyle-Sektor, um unseren Kunden den besten Service bieten zu können. Wir planen, unsere Anwendung und unsere Partner bis Ende des dritten Quartals / Anfang des dritten Quartals in dieses System integrieren zu lassen, damit es funktionsfähig ist und wir beginnen können, unser Netzwerk und unsere Partner mit VOL-Token zu füllen.

Technische Information

Die VolAir-Roadmap enthält zwei verschiedene Versionen der Anwendung. Die erste Möglichkeit ermöglicht Partnern, ihre Jets in die Anwendung einzubinden, sie zu suchen und zu finden. Dies hat auch die Möglichkeit für Benutzer, ihre VOL-Token in der Anwendung in ihrer Brieftasche zu speichern. Wenn ein Benutzer einen Flug buchen möchte, sendet er diesen an unseren Drittanbieter. Bei Bestätigung der Buchung mit einem Smart-Vertrag werden dem Kunden und dem Verkäufer die VOL-Token ausgestellt. Dies ist derzeit in der Entwicklung und wird im Einklang mit unserem Verkauf von Hauptmarken abgeschlossen.

Die zweite Version enthält alle zuvor genannten Funktionen in der Zusammenfassung. Neben der Brieftasche und der Suche nach Flügen können die Benutzer von den verfügbaren Stufen und die Partner von dem Partner-Gateway- und Zahlungssystem profitieren. Dies soll Mitte Q3 2018 beginnen.

VolAir Roadmap

  • May 2018

  • Advisor & Initial partner outreach/on boarding
    Commence Smart Contract & Application/wallet development
  • June 2018

  • Publish Whitepaper
    Increase Marketing and Main Sale build up strategy
    Initial pre sale conversations
  • July 2018

  • Pre Sale Raise
    Main Sale Marketing Execution
    Further Development support on boarding
  • September 2018

  • Main Sale offering
    V1 Application wallet release
    Commence work on v2 application
  • Weiterlesen
  • October 2018

  • Distribution of tokens
    Exchange listing
    Grow partner network
    Establish regional bases
  • November 2018

  • Introduce tiered model to loyalty program
    Introduce further benefits
  • December 2018

  • Release of v2.0 application with new model and new smart contracts for bookings
    Partner integration with new system
  • February 2019

  • Concierge adding and further partners for customers
    Team growth, scale and ambassador program

VolAir Mannschaft

Verifiziert 100%

Kristof Kowalski
Martin Laukkanen
Co-Founder/SVP Engineering
Eliana Densow
Marketing/Community Manager
Ross Jones


Verifiziert 20%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Mohamed Munjed
Middle East Advisor
Troy Gibson
Aviation Tech Advisor

39 ICOs

$189 515 133

Nikolay Shkiley

22 ICOs

$115 358 983

Phillip Nunn
Marketing Advisor

45 ICOs

$274 510 713

Vladimir Nikitin

VolAir Interviews

Kristof Kowalski
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I'm the CTO, I'm responsible for the technical implementation and direction of the project. We aim to use the best solutions for the problem at hand.
What do you think about idea?
It has good potential to shake up the private jet industry. We am to make it really user friendly and accessible to more then the jet set crowd.
Martin Laukkanen
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
My role in engineering is smart contract and interface development, developing Solidity contracts and the APIs to integrate our Smart Contracts into our mobile apps.
What do you think about idea?
I love the rewards system, building a fungible loyalty / rewards program linked to luxury travel and in the future so much more is a brilliant idea.
Eliana Densow
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Run the marketing and communications. I run the social media sites, manage bounty campaigns, create content, detailed 1-5 year plan and daily interaction with the VOL community.
What do you think about idea?
I love it. I think it is one of the few projects than can bring blockchain into the mainstream. We have everything in place to create a real change in the general aviation industry
Nikolay Shkiley
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
We are in fixed communication with a project team and we develop the step-by-step purposes, the plan of promotion and we do everything that the project became successful
What do you think about idea?
Flying private Jet is something that you could only dream of normally, but with VolAir they can bringing this to you. Simple and easy.
Ross Jones
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I'm the CEO, so deal with everything from partnerships, sales side etc. I deal with the vision, product and oversee all activities.
What do you think about idea?
Well it's my idea so of course I think it's amazing! It's something that gives back to the user base instead of taking it for themselves.

VolAir Letzte Nachrichten

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