Vision Metaverse

Vision Metaverse

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Vision is a high-performance public chain built for the Metaverse. The innovative VPoS mechanism and validator nodes compose a decentralized PoS network.
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Über Vision Metaverse

Vision is a high-performance public chain built for the Metaverse. The innovative VPoS mechanism and validator nodes compose a decentralized PoS network. With the self-developed metaverse Engine and feature of EVM compatibility, Vision breaks the boundary between virtual and reality to construct an open world of Web3.0.



Evolved from PoS, the protocol is the culmination of tireless effort.

Simple & Secure

The VPoS network is comprised of worldwide and independent validator nodes, easy to adopt and hard to attack.

Efficent & Low Cost

Transactions on Vision are finalized in seconds and cost little.

Ethereum Compatible

Vision is EVM compatible. Deploy and run your Ethereum dApps on Vision.

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