Letztes Update
Victoria VR is the first Blockchain-based MMORPG in Virtual Reality with Realistic Graphics built on Unreal Engine, created and owned by its users.
The whole world is built to be a universal platform for all virtual realities, games, and decentralized applications, collectively creating a Metaverse — a shared virtual realm, the 3D internet.
In the Victoria VR World, there will be games, quests, never-ending adventure, virtual galleries, and The Big Market VR where you can exchange NFTs in 3D! In addition, users will be rewarded for each of their activities in the VR world.
Victoria VR aims to create a new Metaverse of multi-dimensional interactions where users will be able to immerse themselves interactively with never-ending digital content. The Victoria VR Metaverse will be where people go to work, rest, learn, play and eventually live.
What Makes Victoria VR Unique
• Unparalleled Graphics – Victoria VR will have realistic graphics rendered with the latest Unreal Engine, giving the ultimate VR experience. A unique solution to create special effects.
• Tokenomics - Play-2-Earn – a never-ending motivating economy that rewards active users and stakers.
• The Quest System – users are motivated to return to Victoria VR. The system is fully algorithmical, so Victoria VR will continue to live on without its original creators.
• New Combat System – Revolutionary new VR combat system, created in-house by Victoria VR
• NFT Revolution – users can Create, Modify and Combine NFT’s. Creators can showcase and sell digital artwork in the NFT Gallery. NFTs can be securely traded in The Big Market VR - a 3D NFT Marketplace.
• Future-proof – thanks to their unique server solution, the World of Victoria VR server is fully upgradable and scalable. The DAO gives control of the future evolution of Victoria VR to the people who create and play in this virtual space, its users, who will be in control of the policies that determine how the world behaves.
• Largest Number Of Use-Cases – appeals to a wide audience of business and leisure users. Commercial Partnerships, Entertainment, New Business Models.
• Professional Freedom - architects, designers, artists etc. can freely express their innovative ideas without real-world limitations and constraints.
• Timing – learning from the mistakes of others. Appropriate selection of more mature and upgradeable technologies.
Victoria VR Comparison Table: Why Victoria VR
They are using the best combination of several newly created industry technologies, refined by their own tech expertise.
· Unreal Engine
· Blender
· Houdini
· Rokoko
All the technology used by Victoria VR is customized by DELL in accordance with Unreal Engine. Victoria VR uses high-end VR graphics which haven't been possible ever before. Victoria VR has developed a new in-house VR battle system and DAO Maker are confident that it's a game changer for the VR industry in general.
Victoria VR has a unique solution to connect all virtual worlds and platforms together.
Q1 2021
Q2 2021
Q4 2021
Q1 2022
Q2 2022
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