Venom Finance

Venom Finance

Created using Figma
We're pegged to DAI helping to reduce your volatility during a market downturn
To be announced
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Über Venom Finance

With Venom Finance, we hope to bolster DAI's liquidity on Avalanche, offer a pegged DAI substitute for lending/collateralization, essentially becoming our own algorithmic stablecoin. Pegging to DAI instead of AVAX makes cross chain activities and collateralization more flexible, easier to manage and has a wider potential audience than a L1 specific peg as we are effectively a stablecoin.
The protocol's underlying mechanism dynamically adjusts HOST's supply, pushing its price up or down relative to the price DAI. This should be $1 however there may be times where DAI loses its peg and if our protocol is functioning as intended will follow DAI to keep pegged 1:1 to it.
One major advantage of not being collateralized like DAI is that we don't have to lock up capital in order to create HOST, the downside of which is that the value of HOST will fluctuate much greater than if it were collateralized.
Do your own research before investing. Investing in defi protocols is risky and may result in monetary loss. By using Venom Finance, you agree that the Venom Finance team is not responsible for any financial losses from investing in Venom Finance nor do we promise any valuable returns now or in the future. Venom Finance does not operate or control the contracts on the blockchain of this protocol, these are open and permissionless and we are unable to stop anyone from using the protocol directly from the blockchain. In using these contracts you acknowledge that you understand this and are complying with the laws of your local jurisdiction.

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