vEmpire DDAO

vEmpire DDAO

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vEmpire DDAO is the world’s largest Decentralized Metaverse Investment Organization. The official vEmpire protocol incorporates different strategies to incentivize Metaverse token staking to fund the battle against centralisation.

vEmpire is entirely focused on protecting decentralized technologies through virtual property and Metaversal asset acquisition.
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Über vEmpire DDAO

Integral to the protocol is the VEMP token. This is the native token for the Empire and is the currency used to reward trading card battle winners, liquidity providers, stakers and the
DDAO. At present, Metaverses only have MANA or other native tokens being used on world for content. Eventually, we would hope to be in a position to influence VEMP onto the platform as well.

We would like to take this opportunity to assure the security council that we have nothing but good intentions and will cause no harm. Our purpose is to give Decentraland back its
namesake, and we see this as an honourable quest.

The Empire is also against outside centralised entities leasing their land parcels and taking anything over 50% of the profits. There should be equality & harmony amongst businesses and users in the Metaverese, without one profiteering from the other. The vEmpire DDAO will invade by continuously purchasing land in Metaverse protocols until
we have a solid and overwhelming presence. By directing emissions to SAND, MANA, STARL & AXS pools initially on the platform, it will give a substantial yield which we hope & would intend, to capture the majority of the market there will be for metaverse staking as no other protocol is doing what vEmpire plans to do.

vEmpire DDAO Mannschaft

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Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Dom Ryder
Mike Ryder
Harvey Woods
Marketing & Operations Manager
Jack Dolby
Creative Content Lead
Petar Gavrilov
DDAO Engagement Lead


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Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Julien Bouteloup
Jonny Caplan
Kyle Chasse

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