Valon Metaverse

Valon Metaverse

Created using Figma
Valon Metaverse
Virtual Reality & NFT Marketplace
Invest, Earn & Build!
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Über Valon Metaverse


Valon token (VLON) is a BEP20-token living in Binance Smart Chain. Our goal is to create a platform for trading virtual items and completely user owned customized virtual reality worlds


We introduce our custom made DeFi app that makes providing liquidity and earning rewards easy


Create, Buy & Sell NFT's in our marketplace. Every NFT has a function inside the Valon Virtual Realm

Valon Metaverse is a project in Binance Smart Chain where users own land, properties and items. Create your own virtual worlds such as apartments, mansions, museums or outside areas in the expanding world of Valon.


Valon token wraps together Blockchain and VR seamlessly. It functions as a fuel for our Virtual World and a reward for investors


Valon Decentralized Exchange is the core of our DeFi structure. Provide liquidity, stake & earn!


The virtual worlds & goods created by users can be sold as NFT's in our unique marketplace


Customize, get creative and socialize in the Valon World Powered by PlayCanvas, bringing you the most authentic VR experience

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