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USTX: a TRC20 token, traded in a multiasset DEX with algorithmic reserve burning and minting: consistent growth, reduced drawdown!
  • Markt
    Band 24H
    24H (Preis)
    24H (Volumen)
  • SunSwap
    USTX/TRX % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0241
    $ 29.18
  • Coinsbit
    USTX/USDT % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0410
    $ 9.362 K
To be announced
Weitere Details

Über UpStableToken

The project is built around two pillars: the USTX token and the DEX. The token is a TRC20 contract, deployed on Tron blockchain, implementing the needed features to enable simple transactions at very low fees. The DEX is the core of the project. A smart contract actively manages all exchange transactions on the USTX/Stablecoin pairs (USDT, TUSD, USDJ, USDC), with the goal of keeping the internal stablecoins reserve at a certain level compared to the circulating market cap of the token. If the reserve is above the target level, the system allows price expansion during up-trends of the market and dampens price reductions during down-trends, reducing volatility. If the reserve is below the desired level, the system reduces the expansion and damping effect, to recover the reserve levels. All this is managed on-chain, without the intervention of the owner of the contract. The stablecoins reserve is locked inside the DEX contract and is verifiable on chain by any user. This provides intrinsic value to the USTX token. Being a multiasset, the reserve guarantees resiliency. Also, since the price action is not based on oracles, it's immune to avalanche effects in case of price fluctuations of the stablecoins. The smart contracts are audited and open source.

The USTX project aims to be sustainable. 90% of the liquidity raised during launchpad is locked in the DEX reserve. 5% of the USTX liquidity raised during Launchpad will be shared as rewards among the community testnet participants. During normal DEX operation a 1% fee (applied only on sell transactions) will guarantee long term sustainability of the project. The team tokens are placed in vesting smart contracts to enforce the release date.

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