Trump - Let's make memes great again!

Trump - Let's make memes great again!

Created using Figma
This token is purely for entertainment and educational purposes. We’re not making any promises of financial returns or success. This is a token for meme coin lovers, for the community, and for fun.
To be announced
Weitere Details

Über Trump - Let's make memes great again!

First of all, let’s talk about taxes. Zero, nada, zilch. That’s right, there are NO TAXES on buying or selling the TRUMP ERC20 token. You know who loves that? Everyone. Because nobody likes taxes.

And let me tell you, we’re not stopping there. We renounced the token at launch and burned the liquidity tokens, so you know it’s the real deal. We’re not messing around here, folks.

Now, some people might try to tell you that this token was stealth launched. And you know what I say to that? Fake news. We didn’t need to stealth launch this token because everyone already knows it’s the best.

So there you have it, folks. The TRUMP ERC20 token. The greatest cryptocurrency of all time. No taxes, Renounced , LP Burned and already making waves. It’s time to get on board with the winning team.

Trump - Let's make memes great again! Roadmap

  • Phase 1: MEME

  • *Launch

    *Formation of socials

    *CoingGecko / CMC Listings
  • Phase 2: Vibe and HODL

  • *Community Partnerships

    *Community Building
  • Phase 3: Grow HUUUGE

  • *CEX Listings

Trump - Let's make memes great again! Letzte Nachrichten

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