Tru Reputation Network

Tru Reputation Network

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Tru Reputation Protocol, ein Blockchain-Protokoll, das Reputation & Ratings in digitalen Interaktionen revolutioniert.
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Über Tru Reputation Network

Das Tru Reputation-Protokoll bietet eine Lösung für das Problem der Schaffung einer einzigen Quelle der Wahrheit für Reputation in digitaler Ökosysteme Durch die Nutzung eines zum Patent angemeldeten Tru Feedback-Algorithmus Das Tru Reputation Protocol fungiert als erster Reputationsnachweis Mechanismus, der natürlich und einfach zu bedienen ist: jede Partei in einem Die Transaktion hinterlässt eine Rückmeldung füreinander, indem Sie oder auswählen Bereitstellung semantischer Begriffe.

Das Tru Reputation Protocol ermöglicht das Einrichten und Persistenz der Reputation in digitalen Ökosystemen aus dem Web 2.0 Plattformen zu Web3 verteilte Plattformen - durch Verkettung Transaktionen an die Teilnehmer und ermöglichen Feedback zu diesen Transaktionen. Darüber hinaus etabliert das Tru Reputation Protocol ein Wirtschaftsmodell um Reputation durch belohnende Beiträge und für den Verbrauch aufladen, um sicherzustellen, dass alle am Die Transaktion wird incentiviert, um Feedback zu geben und gleichzeitig sicherzustellen Wert wird von denen abgeleitet, die die Reputationsdaten konsumieren das Tru Reputation Network.


Das Tru Reputation-Protokoll bietet eine Lösung für Reputation, indem es von Ratings & amp; Rezensionen zur Auswahl leicht verständlicher Wörter und Sätze bei der Beschreibung einer Interaktion. Darüber hinaus bietet das Tru Reputation Protocol die erste digitale Lösung für die dauerhafte Reputation zwischen Plattformen und für die Belohnung von Mitwirkenden für ihr Feedback, wodurch das erste Reputation-Netzwerk entsteht.

Tru Reputation Network Roadmap

  • June 2015 - Tru Ltd Founded

  • Tru Ltd was founded in June 2015 focusing on delivering solutions to some of the most intractable problems affecting the current generation of Web 2.0 platforms and developing their successors for the Web 3.0. Since founding, Tru Ltd has successfully researched and developed unique algorithms and technologies that are powering the next generation platforms that will bring the Web 3.0 to the mainstream consumer & enterprise markets.
  • June 2017 - Trubador launches Private Beta using prototype of Tru Reputation Protocol

  • Trubador ( launches a Private Beta using a prototype of the Tru Reputation Protocol
  • December 2016 - Semantic Terms Feedback Patent Filed

  • Patent PCT/GB2016/054063 is filed by Tru Ltd after 18 months of research & development to deliver the next-generation of feedback & reputation systems for digital contexts. Patent is filed with the USPTO, EPO and WIPO:
  • December 2017 - Trubador hits over 16,000 Monthly Active Users

  • Trubador hits over 16,000 Monthly Active Users using the Tru Reputation Protocol prototype. With over 1.1 million items of Semantic Terms feedback and 0 fake or suspect items of feedback and over 300,000 transactions conducted.
  • Weiterlesen
  • June 2017 - Private Beta of Trubador begins in New York & London

  • A 12 month private beta of Trubador is launched using a private release of the Tru Reputation Protocol to selected businesses and users in New York City, NY, USA and London, UK
  • 4th January 2018 - Tru Reputation Network Pre-Sale Starts

  • The Tru Reputation Network Pre-Sale begins.
  • December 2017 - Milestone in Feedback

  • Trubador, leveraging the Tru Reputation Protocol achieves over 16,000 Monthly Active Users. With over 300,000 transactions handled, over 1.1 million items of feedback and 0 'synthetic' or fake reviews.
  • 5th March 2018 - Tru Reputation Network Pre-Sale Ends

  • The Tru Reputation Network Pre-Sale finishes.
  • 4th January 2018 - Tru Reputation Network Pre-Sale Starts

  • Tru Ltd emerges from stealth to launch it's Pre-Sale for the Tru Reputation Network to take the Semantic Terms Feedback Algorithm and the Tru Reputation Protocol to the wider world.
  • May 2018 - Tru Reputation Protocol Release #1

  • The first release of the Tru Reputation Protocol as per the Tru Reputation Protocol White Paper will be released.
  • 5th March 2018 - Tru Reputation Network Pre-Sale Finishes

  • On the 5th March 2018 the Tru Reputation Network Pre-Sale will complete.
  • End of Q2 2018 - Tru Reputation Network CrowdSale

  • The Tru Reputation Network CrowdSale will be conducted at the end of the Q2 2018 (June-July)
  • May 2018 - Release #1 of the Tru Reputation Protocol

  • Release #1 of the Tru Reputation Protocol will be released in May 2018, establishing a public testnet where the Tru Reputation Network can be experienced ahead of the public launch.
  • August 2018 - Tru Reputation Network Public Launch

  • The Tru Reputation Network will be publicly launched and open to all users and platforms.
  • June-July 2018 - CrowdSale

  • A wider Crowd Sale of the Tru Reputation Network will begin by the end of June 2018 and last for 30 days. Offering a 12.5% bonus vs public release pricing, this marks the final event where Tru Reputation Tokens can be purchased ahead of release.
  • Q4 2018 - Tru Reputation Protocol Release #2

  • The second release of the Tru Reputation Protocol as per the Tru Reputation Protocol White Paper will be released.
  • August 2018 - Public launch of the Tru Reputation Network

  • The Tru Reputation Network will publicly launch in August 2018, enabling the exchange of Tru Reputation Tokens and access to data on the Tru Reputation Network. All data from Trubador will be within the Tru Reputation Network and this will mark the Global Availability of the Trubador platform.
  • Q2 2019 - Tru Reputation Protocol Release #3

  • The third release of the Tru Reputation Protocol as per the Tru Reputation Protocol White Paper will be released.
  • December 2018 - Release #2 of the Tru Reputation Protocol

  • The second public release of the Tru Reputation Protocol will be released by December 2018. Check the White Paper for more details.
  • Q4 2019 - Tru Reputation Protocol Release #4

  • The fourth release of the Tru Reputation Protocol as per the Tru Reputation Protocol White Paper will be released.
  • June 2019 - Release #3 of the Tru Reputation Protocol

  • The third public release of the Tru Reputation Protocol will be released by June 2019. Check the White Paper for more details.
  • December 2019 - Release #4 of the Tru Reputation Protocol

  • The fourth public release of the Tru Reputation Protocol will be released by June 2019.
    - v1.0 release of the Machine Learning Library
    - Beta release of the Tru Reputation Analytics Service
    Check the White Paper for more details.

Tru Reputation Network Mannschaft

Verifiziert 67%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Ian Bray
Managing Director
Patrick Stewart Bray
Caroline Draper
Marketing Director


Verifiziert 67%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Matthew Murphy
Advisor - VP, Global Technology - Top 3 Global Ban...
Darron Antill
Advisor - CEO @ Device Authority
Richard Martindale
Advisor - Area Services Manager @ Ivanti Inc.

Tru Reputation Network Interviews

Matthew Murphy
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
Provided technical advice on potential solutions to fix the current problems with digital review systems and on the underlining technologies (Ethereum blockchain and the Interplanetary File System) that the 'Tru Reputation Protocol' and the 'Tru Reputation Network' are built on. Supported the creation of a prototype of protocol that is currently being used by a mobile application called trubador, which is used by over 16K people per month. (
Richard Martindale
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
As an advisor to the board, it’s important to me that we maintain and follow the values and principles set by Tru
Ian Bray
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
Managing Director & Founder of Tru Ltd
Caroline Draper
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
Founder & Marketing Director

Tru Reputation Network Letzte Nachrichten

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Previous reputation systems have made the issue of allowing fake reviews to occur on their network. Check out this review to see how Tru Reputation helps users provide accurate feedback about each other and make a safer network.

Reputation Management: Tru Reputation gives users the ability to establish a good reputation through completing work and finishing smart contracts with employers.
Accurate Reputation Search: Unlike traditional reputation management systems, hiring managers, employers, and other 3rd parties will have to use TRU tokens to find your reputation.
Mutual Feedback: By requiring both sides to provide feedback, it allows for both sides of the transaction to act on their best behavior when they are providing feedback.

Legal: Will this ICO be legal internationally? It doesn’t explain it thoroughly in the whitepaper.

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