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Building digital asset markets better. Digital Asset Solutions
To be announced
Registrierter Firmenname
Tritum Inc.
Eingetragenes Land
United States
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Über Tritum

Tritum is a crypto liquidity solutions company.  Institutional Digital Asset Trading Exchange and Services. 

Tritum is launching a digital asset exchange platform, tokenization platform, and our first products focused on Brazil, an exchange Bolsa Cripto advised by Tritum Advisory, and tokenized Brazilian Real as BRMint.

Tritum Inc, is pleased to reveal closing its $1.1M seed round financing in early 2022, by a consortium of investors including Blue Node Capital, Nabais Capital, and Loopring, the Ethereum Layer 2 scaling solution project, and a number of private investors. 

Tritum’s current operating businesses are Blocktane, a global crypto exchange with a substantial presence including fiat onramps in Brazil, and Vesi, a high frequency proprietary trader and liquidity provider. Tritum will continue to expand the throughput and size of each of its existing operating businesses and is expanding its presence into data, insights, and trading product issuance based on Tritum’s own indices and strategies.

Tritum’s current operating businesses are Blocktane, a global crypto exchange with a substantial presence including fiat onramps in Brazil, and Vesi, a high frequency proprietary trader and liquidity provider.

Tritum will continue to expand the throughput and size of each of its existing operating businesses and is expanding its presence into data, insights, and trading product issuance based on Tritum’s own indices and strategies.

Tritum strives to be a leader in secure, reliable platforms capable of meeting any regulatory or market standards. As a result, Blocktane was the first exchange catering to Brazil which included segregated 3rd party custody with insurance for hot and cold wallet client asset storage.

Tritum’s current operating businesses are Blocktane, a global crypto exchange with a substantial presence including fiat onramps in Brazil, and Vesi, a high frequency proprietary trader and liquidity provider.

Tritum will continue to expand the throughput and size of each of its existing operating businesses and is expanding its presence into data, insights, and trading product issuance based on Tritum’s own indices and strategies. 

Tritum is committed to producing market leading solutions for digital asset services built with our decades of expertise from traditional electronic trading and financial markets.

Tritum Mannschaft

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Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

John Willock
Founder, CEO
Per Högberg

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