Toonlands Metaverse

Toonlands Metaverse

Created using Figma
TOONLANDS METAVERSE project; Forms the main skeletal structure of NFT Game Store that is founded by Playumm Game Technologies with the goal of creating a common ground between NFT games and classic games (Mobile, PC) 10.366 unique and randomly generated isometric plots are connected to the Toonlands map and consists of digital crypto assets that are "customizable and visitable in 3D space".
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Über Toonlands Metaverse

TOONLANDS METAVERSE project; Forms the main skeletal structure of NFT Game Store that is founded by Playumm Game Technologies with the goal of creating a common ground between NFT games and classic games (Mobile, PC) 10.366 unique and randomly generated isometric plots are connected to the Toonlands map and consists of digital crypto assets that are "customizable and visitable in 3D space".

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