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A new standard for Web3 composability where tokens are as ubiquitous as web pages, where tokens will become primary objects of ownership, identity, interactions
To be announced
Weitere Details

Über TokenScript

TokenScript is a smart token interface that has been used to deliver over 30 smart token projects since 2018.

The 2019 white paper foreshadowed a Web3 future where tokens are as ubiquitous as web pages, and where tokens are primary objects of identity, authentication and transaction.

In Web3, token composability will become critical, and a new standardized token interface will be key.

Smart Token Composability
TokenScript will set a new standard for token composability in a Web3 future where tokens are as ubiquitous as web pages, and where tokens will become primary objects of ownership, identity and interaction.

Tokens today are limited by a basic contract interface.
When dApps are used as the token interface, token utility is limited. Transaction and integration logic locked in the dApp layer brings the same composability, security and availability issues that existed in Web2.

TokenScript introduces a smart token interface.
Token knowledge and smart contract logic in a portable interface dramatically increases token utility. This brings context, security, interoperability and composability to tokens - not dApps.

Smart token interface delivers composability.
With unlimited logic and endless composability, Smart Tokens will deliver the promise of Web3. A fully-integrated web. A truly frictionless market.

TokenScript Roadmap

  • Phase 1

  • Fully committed to 100% open source
  • Phase 2

  • The mobile NFT Wallet for smart users
  • Phase 3

  • Governed & owned by users & developers
  • Phase 4

  • Fully Decentralized Super User Agent

TokenScript Mannschaft

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Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Victor Zhang
Co-Founder, CEO
Bob Jiang
Developer Evangelist
James Brown
Co-Founder, Lead Developer
Brent Annells
Chief Marketing Officer
Sunil Tom Jose,
Chief Operations Officer
Hwee-Boon Yar
AlphaWallet Product Engineer

TokenScript Letzte Nachrichten

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