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Tokelite is a borrowing network that allows users to leverage their blockchain assets to secure cash loans.
Our system is designed such in a way that allows you to keep the assets that you want to hold and still spend the one of your choice, you will get access to quick cash loan regardless of your credit score and geographical location. The Tokelite Network is legally and technically secure.
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Über Tokelite

Tokelite is the first Global Blockchain Backed Loan Network for an easier access to cash loans, built on smart contract. The Tokelite is the solution for the most financial problems such as lack of access to quick cash loan, lost of valuable assets and other financial problems not mentioned here.
Tokelite is an erc20 utility token that gives holders of token the benefits to lending and borrowing using their blockchain assets to secure cash loans. Our network is integrated with juridical investigation security system to protect our clients and investors. Tokelite is a borrowing network that allows users to leverage their blockchain assets to secure cash loans. Our system is designed such in a way that allows you to keep the assets that you want to hold and still spend the one of your choice, you will get access to quick cash loan regardless of your credit score and geographical location.

Tokelite Roadmap

  • Q1 2020

  • Idea Conception.
    Development of idea.
    Launch of website.
    Airdrop begins.
    Launch of ICO
  • Q2 2020

  • Launch of IEO.
    Airdrop end.
    Launch on First Exchange.
    End of ICO.
    Launch on second exchange.
    End of IEO.
    Launch on Third exchange.
  • Q3 2020

  • Launch of our loan network.
    Partnership with Top Financial Tech.

Tokelite Mannschaft

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Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Onya Stephen
Rahul Narke
Jaglas Jumanov
PR Manager
Baris Cicek
Community Manager
Daniel Rubio
Emmanuel Ogbuzuru
Kenny Querales
PR Manager
Dani Saepuloh
Suliman Mokhtar
Promote Officer

Tokelite Letzte Nachrichten

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