TLAND Project

TLAND Project

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TLAND is a global multi-chain platform, through which users from all over the world can participate in collective prefunds for the most desirable physical and digital assets, such as real estate or crypto goods/services. Works on the TLAND project date back to 2019. In June 2020 the project was favourably reviewed by the VC Impera Alfa Fund, resulting in a European Union Grant from the National Centre for Research and Development for launching the MVP platform. Since the November 2021 launch of the platform in the Terra LUNA ecosystem the platform has sold 4 real properties with a total transaction value of $1,847,000 USD. The platform currently has around 5,000 active users.Diversification through the goods and services provided by the TLAND platform gives any investor the stability and security they deserve to protect themselves from market sentiment andmoments of instability, as these are not always easy to foresee.
100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
Ziel 150 000.00 USD
Limit 150 000.00 USD
  • 1 YLAND
    0.05 USD
5% weekly
Akzeptierte Währungen
Registrierter Firmenname
Eingetragenes Land
Firma gegründet
Sep 7, 2021
Weitere Details
MVP / Prototyp
Ja , von Jul 5, 2022 bis Jul 15, 2022

Über TLAND Project

Despite the instability of the Terra LUNA ecosystem in May of 2022, the TLAND project allowed its investors to safeguard their investments, retaining 100% of their value. This is irrefutable proof that each investor should have minimal-risk assets such as real estate in their portfolio.

The purpose of the private sale is to raise additional funds for liquidity and further multichain platform development on other chains.

Token price in private sale will be $0,05
Listing price will be $0,06


Our idea is that our users together with us have an impact on the development of the TLAND platform as well as benefit from this development.

For this purpose, the native TLAND token was created, which will be available on selected DEXs.The TLAND token will be produced in the ERC-20 standard based on the Ethereum network, and will be operated by a separate smart contract, while the token itself will be directly correlated with the functioning of the platform.The TLAND will be a deflationary token and will be crucial in the usage of the TLAND platform. In order to vote or to take part in fundraising or prefunds users will have to own a certain amount of TLANDs.


◆ TLAND tokens will be used to generate a referral link - by generating a referral link 2% of all transactions of the person who will use this link will go back to the person who generated the link and 2% will go back to the person using the link as cashback.

◆ Users will have the ability to stake TLAND tokens through the platform to receive incentives and rewards.

TLAND Project Roadmap

  • Road map

  • ◆ Q2 2022 - New blockchain expansion
    ◆ Q3 2022 – Launching a multifunctional marketplace for metaverse plots and NFTs
    ◆ Q3 2022 – Launching the secondary market on the platform for trading shares in
    digital assets purchased on the platform
    ◆ Q3 / Q4 2022 – Launching a marketplace for collective purchase of real estate
    ◆ Q1 2023 – Facilitating rental using TLAND token
    ◆ Q1 / Q2 2023 – Launching the secondary market on the platform for trading shares in
    real estate purchased on the platform
    ◆ Q3 2023 – On ramp FIAT
    ◆ Q4 2023 – Listing of the TLAND token on the largest cryptocurrency exchanges

TLAND Project Mannschaft

Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Maciej Król
CO Founder
Jakub Cukierski
Co Founder
Dariusz Zbucki
Co Founder

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