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A next-generation, efficient, transparent mining pool.

Über Titan

Titan is a new, intelligent mining management software suite and hashpower marketplace that will increase the ease, efficiency, and profitability of cryptocurrency mining – all while increasing the useful lifespan of mining equipment. Titan is built by miners for miners to make mining easy, profitable, and scalable.

Next-Generation Mining Pools

The Titan Mining Pool solutions offer powerful alternatives for Bitcoin miners who want to increase their efficiency and scalability at a flat, low cost.

Greater Efficiency & Cost Effectiveness

  • We give Titan Private Pool members a higher opportunity for earning crypto mining rewards.
  • Our industry-leading low, flat rate supports members in maximizing their profit.

Greater Price & Pool Transparency

Titan believes crypto miners should be able to maximize their revenues and profits as much as possible. We believe in full transparency, without the need to offer special pricing or discount rates based on unique conditions.

  • Titan’s highly experienced technical team, combined with our software optimization creates a low-risk environment while delivering the highest return on investment.
  • All users of the Titan Private Pool receive full reporting of statistics, work share, fees, and rewards via both the pool website and an API.

Greater Simplicity

  • Provide a fully-hosted, proven pool environment with optimized software managed by Titan engineers from start to finish.
  • Reduces regional and support issues for miners and avoids the issues of complicatcation of trans-national agreements.
  • Includes comprehensive technical support.


Titan Mannschaft

Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind


$10 160 000

Ryan Condron
CEO / Co-Founder
Jethro Grassie
Senior Pool Engineer
Lewis Farrell
Chief Marketing Officer


$43 000 000

Jeff Garzik


$38 520 215

Matthew Roszak

Titan Letzte Nachrichten

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