

Created using Figma
Tiger Cash is a platform token issued by the CoinTiger exchange, or TCH, which is a decentralized blockchain digital asset based on Ethereum.
  • Markt
    Band 24H
    24H (Preis)
    24H (Volumen)
  • CoinTiger
    TCH/USDT % count% months ago
    $ 0.0051
    $ 94.054 K
  • Mdex
    TCH/0XA71EDC38D189767582C38A3145B5873052C3E47A % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0069
    $ 105.17
  • CoinTiger
    TCH/BITCNY % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0629
    $ 12.533 M
  • CoinTiger
    TCH/BTC % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0071
    $ 38.15
  • Uniswap (v3)
    TCH/ETH % count% vor einem Jahr
  • Mercatox
  • CREX24
  • Mercatox
  • Raisex
  • BiteBTC
  • CoinTiger
  • Token.Store

Über TigerCash

Tiger Cash is a platform token issued by the CoinTiger exchange, or TCH, which is a decentralized blockchain digital asset based on Ethereum. TCH was officially launched on November 15, 2017, with a total circulation of 1.05 billion. Beginning in 2018, CoinTiger will gradually repurchase and destroy TCH with a profit of no less than 50% every quarter, destroying a total of 450 million, and eventually the total circulation will be controlled at 600 million TCH. Each repurchase record of TCH will be announced through the announcement at the first time, and the user can query through the blockchain browser to ensure transparency. 
In the future, TCH can be used for deduction of platform trading commissions, enjoy platform dividends, join the board of directors to participate in platform decisions, etc. When the application function goes online, detailed rules will be announced in the form of announcements.

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