THORE Public-sale

THORE Public-sale

Created using Figma
In a Mission to Bring Liquidity to the Best Investment Opportunities
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100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
Weitere Details

Über THORE Public-sale

Worldwide transactions:

Moving money across borders quickly, reliably, and for fractions of a penny never has been too easy. With THORE now we can connect banks, making payments and trusting people all over the world without worrying about double spending issues.

Fast transactions:

Over the Stellar Network happens the fastest transactions ever build on the Blockchain. 2 ~ 5 seconds and your payment will be on your wallet. A transaction on the network consists of one or more operations. Payments, offers, and fees are all examples of operations that could make up a single transaction.

Small Transaction Fee:

THORE is a Small Transaction Fee (0.00001 XLM).

Be Safe and Secure:

Stellar uses industry-standard public-key cryptography tools and techniques, which means the code is well tested and well understood. All transactions on the network are public, which means the movement of funds can always be audited. Each transaction is signed by whomever sent it using the Ed25519 algorithm.

THORE Public-sale Mannschaft

Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Wayne Bolton

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