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Thermo Finance invented a revolutionary financial protocol based on minimizing risk factors and safe project investment such as other cryptocurrency couldn't yet provide.

Thermo is an industrial project-backed equity token. It is a type of cryptocurrency whose underlying value is backed by a real-world industrial project or any valuable and demandable commodity, such as steel industries, cement industries, auto brick industries, pharmaceutical industries, vehicle manufacturing industries, shipbuilding industries, consumer electronics manufacturing industries, garment industries, refineries, real estate, air, and ocean logistics, power, and energy industries, and so on. Thermo will make use of blockchains to digitally represent and trade value for those underlying assets.

Thermo tokens are also used as security tokens due to the nature of transactions involving the underlying industrial assets. Most of them are distributed via the Equity Tokens Offer (ETO).
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Über Thermotoken

We've built a platform to buy and sell equity token / shares.

We're reinventing the global equity blockchain - which is a secure, smart, and easy-to-use platform, that completely organizes the way businesses raise capital and the way investors buy and sell their crypto shares or equity token.

Blockchain by making it a safe, intelligent, and user- friendly platform for businesses to raise capital and investors to make a profit.

Thermotoken Roadmap

  • 2023-10-01

  • Thermo Finance invented a revolutionary financial protocol based on minimizing risk factors and safe project investment such as other cryptocurrency couldn't yet provide.

    Thermo is an industrial project-backed equity token. It is a type of cryptocurrency whose underlying value is backed by a real-world industrial project or any valuable and demandable commodity, such as steel industries, cement industries, auto brick industries, pharmaceutical industries, vehicle manufacturing industries, shipbuilding industries, consumer electronics manufacturing industries, garment industries, refineries, real estate, air, and ocean logistics, power, and energy industries, and so on. Thermo will make use of blockchains to digitally represent and trade value for those underlying assets.

Thermotoken Mannschaft

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Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Mark Clark
Head of Crypto Marketing Department
Michel Arner
MBA in Finance and Marketing
Antino Joseph
Head of Coin / Token Mining, NFT Datanet
Kelofa Warren
Co-founder, СMO
Erin Fexy
Business Development Officer, Blockchain division
Nancy Ochs
Crypto & Tech Lawyer
Troy Barmore
Founder, CEO


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Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Robert Stover
Blockchain Advisor
Andrew Belko
IDO, ICO and Financial Technology Advisor
Majorie Rounds
Blockchain and Strategic Advisor

Thermotoken Letzte Nachrichten

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