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TheAlien.888 is a Generative 10k Collection of Unique & Rare NFTs
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Über Thealien.888

TheAlien.888 is a Generative 10k Collection of Unique & Rare NFTs

Thealien.888 Mannschaft

Verifiziert 100%


$100 000

Isaac Andy

Thealien.888 Interviews

Isaac Andy
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Leaders in the Tech Industry space. Dr Isaac Andy is a technology entrepreneur active in tech M&A. He serves as investor, trader, board member, and advisor to several technology and fintech startups.

As the founder and stakeholder of thealien.888 NFT project, I play a crucial role in shaping the vision and direction of the project. My responsibilities include setting the project’s goals, defining its core values, and overseeing its development. As a founder, I am responsible for establishing partnerships, building a community, and ensuring the project’s success. As a stakeholder, I have a vested interest in the project’s growth and profitability. I may also be involved in fundraising, marketing, and governance decisions. Your role is pivotal in driving the project forward and creating value for all stakeholders involved.

Overall role is ensuring all areas of responsibility is aligned to the Policies & Regulation defined for the Community and Project Commitment
What do you think about idea?
As a founder and stakeholder of TheAlien.888 NFT project, I shape its vision, goals, and values, and ensure its success.

Thealien.888 Letzte Nachrichten

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