The Web3 Project

The Web3 Project

Created using Figma
A project concentrated on developing Web3 and integrating it into everyone's daily lives, while staying decentralized.
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  • Markt
    Band 24H
    24H (Preis)
    24H (Volumen)
    WEB3/WAVES % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.2529
    $ 2.53
Pre Sale
100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
Limit 50.00
Buy Tax: 9%
Sell Tax: 12%
Weitere Details

Über The Web3 Project

The Web3 Project provides a decentralized financial asset that rewards users with a sustainable fixed compound interest model through the use of its unique $WEB3 Auto-Staking Protocol (WASP).

$WEB3 Auto-Staking Protocol (WASP) is a new financial protocol that makes staking easier, more efficient and awards $WEB3 token holders the highest stable returns in crypto.

$WEB3 Auto-Staking Protocol (WASP) gives the $WEB3 token automatic staking and compounding features, and the sustainable prince increase of 7% daily, 1440 tokens per day.

The Web3 project is a company focused on DeFi, GameFI and Social Finance innovations that creates benefits and value for $WEB3 token holders.

$WEB3 Auto-Staking Protocol (WASP) that is used within the $WEB3 token grants exceptional benefits for holders of $WEB3:
• Low Risk with the $WEB3 Trust Fund (WTF) - 5% of all trading fees are stored in the $WEB3 Trust Fund which helps sustain and back the staking rewards by maintaining price stability and greatly reducing downside risk.

• Easy and Safe Staking - The $WEB3 token always stays in your wallet so it doesn’t need to be put into the hands of a 3rd party or centralized authority. All you need to do is buy & hold as you automatically receive rewards in your own wallet so there are no more complicated staking processes at all.

• Interest Yield with Automatic Payments - You need not worry about having to re-stake your tokens. Interest yield is paid automatically and compounded in your own wallet, guaranteeing you will never miss a payment.

• Highest Fixed APY - $WEB3 pays out approximately 12x ROI per year for 3 years which rivals all APY projects in the DeFi arena to date.
Rapid Interest Payments - The $WEB3 Protocol pays all $WEB3 Token holders every 3 seconds, making it the fastest auto-compounding protocol in crypto.

• Auto Token Burn - One of the exciting features of the $WEB3 Protocol is an automatic token burn system named "The Black Hole" (TBH) which prevents circulating supply from getting out of hand and becoming unmanageable. The Black Hole burns 2% out of all $WEB3 Token market sales and is burned in the same individual transaction.

The WASP uses a complex set of factors to support its price and the rebase rewards. It includes the $WEB3 Trust Fund (WTF) which serves as an insurance fund to achieve price stability and long-term sustainability of the Web3 Protocol by maintaining a consistent 0.1% token added to total supply to distribute to all $WEB3 token holders EVERY 3 SECONDS.

The Web3 Project development team has coordinated all of these elements together so they work seamlessly behind the scenes. The result is a simple and elegant staking and rewards system for $WEB3 holders.

The Web3 Project Roadmap

  • 2022 Q1

  • Web design
    Coding and deployment of $WEB3
    Private sale
    KYC by Pinksale
    Audit by Coinscope
    Marketing for Presale
    Presale on Pinksale
    AMA tour
    Poocoin presale ads
    Swap 1.0
    Highest Auto-Staking
    Fastest Auto-Compound
    NFT Avatars Season 1
    The Upfinity League game demo
    Major tg marketing groups pins
    Poocoin, dextools and bogged ads
    Coinmarketcap list
    CoinGecko list
    Whistle app prototype
    DAO 1.0
    Publications on several news outlets
    Coinmarketcap Trending

    10-80M Marketcap ATH
  • 2022 Q2

  • Certik Audit
    Staking 2.0
    DAO 2.0
    Multichain NFT marketplace 2.0
    Swap 2.0
    The Upfinity League Launch
    Whistle 1.0
    Trending Moments
    The Playground
    Strategic Partnerships
    The Web3 Podcast
    NFT Avatars Season 2
    CEX listings
    Coinmarketcap Trendings
    Ads on major sites

    100- 500M Marketcap ATH
  • 2022 Q3/Q4

  • Swap 3.0
    Whistle 2.0
    Events attendance NFT
    Poll system
    Full NFT conversion of all your data
    DAO 3.0
    Whistle 3.0
    NFT Avatars Season 3
    Multichain NFT marketplace 2.0
    Multichain NFT marketplace 3.0
    Marketing in all major platforms
    Marketing in pro league sport events
    Marketing in esport events
    Marketing in parties and other events

    700M-3B Marketcap ATH

The Web3 Project Mannschaft

Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Founder L
Founder A
Founder Z

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