The Husky Pack

The Husky Pack

Created using Figma
A Husky Jackson project - The Husky Pack is a mission-driven NFT project that looks to merge Web2 with Web3!
We believe in building a business and community that leads customers into thinking more about transparency when shopping online.
As part of the pack, you’re a part of a larger vision and organization that truly works to help other people!
To be announced
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Über The Husky Pack

Welcome to The Husky Pack - where dog hair is both a fashion accessory and a condiment! The Husky Pack is a collection of 2005 huskies living on the Ethereum blockchain. As part of the pack, you’re a part of a larger vision and organization that truly works to help other people!

We believe that consumers need to start thinking more about transparency when it comes to buying things online. We want to lead the way and create a marketplace that is built on communication and transparency! Our long-term vision is to create an online e-commerce eco-system that rewards both holders and shoppers. "You can have everything in life, if you will just help other people get what they want."

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