

Created using Figma
Unconventional crypto hedge fund
Smart investment option for sophisticated crypto investors.
To be announced
Weitere Details

Über Tgcoin

Exponential growth curve

Our investment method is non-traditional as we use the latest Defi technology platforms to hedge.


Pooled Funds


Alpha Returns




$3.2T economy

Trongain (“”) intends to operate in full compliance with applicable laws and regulations and use its best endeavors to obtain the necessary licenses and approvals. Regulatory licenses and/or approvals are likely to be required in a number of relevant jurisdictions in which relevant activities may take place. This means that the development and roll-out of all the initiatives described in this whitepaper are not guaranteed. It is not possible to guarantee, and no person makes any representations, warranties, or assurances, that any such licenses or approvals will be obtained within a particular timeframe or at all. As such, the initiatives described in this whitepaper may not be available in certain jurisdictions, or at all. This could require a restructuring of these initiatives and/or their unavailability in all or certain respects. In addition, the development of any initiatives is intended to be implemented in stages. During certain stages of development, the project may rely on relationships with certain licensed thirdparty entities. If these entities are no longer adequately licensed in the relevant jurisdiction, this will impact the ability of Trongain to rely on the services of that party.

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