Tetra Pay (TPAY)

Tetra Pay (TPAY)

Created using Figma
Tetra Pay is a block chain based marketplace, where buyers and sellers meet to carry out operations involving digital goods and assets with crypto currency transactions.
Token sale
100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
Token Sale Program - 50%
Founder - 15%
IEO/Launchpad - 15%
Legal - 15%
Marketing & Bounty - 10%
Investor Sale - 5%
Funds allocation:
60% - Advertisement and Marketing
10% - Software Team
10% - Management
10% - Legal Expenditures
10% - Stock Market Partnerships
Akzeptierte Währungen
Eingetragenes Land
United States
Weitere Details
Binance Smart Chain

Über Tetra Pay (TPAY)

TPAY is the product and service of TETRA PAY INTERNATIONAL INC. The group is also the issuer of this cryptocurrency based on BNB Blockchain and its BEP-20 protocol.

Reputed financial and legal international renowned business entities will be assigned the responsibility of auditing and managing TPAY funds and assets’ collection and purchase carried out by TPAY TOKEN. The purpose is to ensure security and transparency at all times.

The base of this decentralized digital currency is BEP-20. The functionality similar to the functionality of BNB is the specialty of this Blockchain-based asset. This multi-utility token can be used for hassle-free exchange of money from one part of the world to another. Users will not have to worry about any arbitrary limits or central repositories throughout the process.

TPAY can be used in almost every industry. This is something that makes this cryptocurrency multiutility.

Tetra Pay (TPAY) Mannschaft

Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Highphill Mathews

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