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To be announced
Registrierter Firmenname
PNT Talent Group, LLC
Weitere Details

Über Talent

Connecting Opportunity to Talent in the World of Web3

Moving at the speed of light while taking the time to listen, learn and grow.

We are specialists in recruiting talent for Blockchain, Crypto, and NFT brands. Focusing on roles across Product, Development, Marketing, Partnerships, and Creative.

We are a #web3 first and focused recruitment consultancy that knows this world inside and out because we live it daily. We know how it vastly differs from "traditional" digital marketing but how it is still rooted in many ways.

It will take the speed and tenacity of the Hare. Combined with the slow & steady, long-term foundational strength of the Tortoise. Combine the two for the ultimate creature to prevail in this (meta)universe!

Talent Letzte Nachrichten

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