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Talan is a decentralized public blockchain leveraging the security of Bitcoin UTXO while enabling Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and is fully open source. Talan supports smart contract development based on Solidity language.
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Über Talan

Talan is a decentralized public blockchain and permissionless project and is fully open source. Talan is developing a powerful and genius contract platform which seeks to deliver more advanced features than any protocol developed previously. It is the first blockchain platform to evolve out of a scientific philosophy and a research-first driven approach. One of the main problems of many current blockchains is the distribution of a large number of original coins. This means that these blockchains pre-mine millions and even billions of coins and then distribute them in the market to gather a large amount of capital. This act, defeats the purpose of decentralization because even though that these systems use the latest decentralization techniques, in truth the majority of the coins are owned by a few which itself creates a centralized system. Since Talan stands by blockchain’s main objectives which are limited distribution and expansion by its community, only a limited number of coins with real proof of stake have been created.

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