

Created using Figma
The world's first insurance crypto community providing club insurance for investments in crypto projects.
Seed Round
100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
Weitere Details

Über Syndiqate

Syndiqate is a club-based crypto insurance community united on a platform offering the market unique insurance products built on a multi-platform and micro-service software and hardware system, using blockchain, smart contracts and NFT technologies. Technology and business fusion makes the Project exclusive. It allows the crypto market to protect its investments in crypto projects without the complicated security and AML and KYC requirements.

The project is being organized by Financial and Insurance market experts. Syndiqate Project Team has impeccable reputation and personal entrepreneurial and managerial experience of more than 20 years in creating and implementing successful business projects, as well as many years of experience on classical insurance market. The Team implemented the InsurTech project, which has been later successfully sold to the largest player in the insurance market of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Syndiqate Project products are focused on Investments, Insurance and Hedging, Blockchain Technology, Cryptocurrencies, Mining, Start-ups, Technology, and Games.

The Syndiqate Project offers two following products protecting investments in crypto projects:

• Investment Protection Against Asset Impairment Risk will be available at and on partner crypto exchanges through payment of a membership fee.
• Investment Protection Against Scam Risk will be available at the time of investment in projects during initial placement of tokens on IEO, IDO, ICO, TGE platforms, by paying the membership fee.

Payment of the membership fee to protect investments in crypto projects will only be available in Syndiqate tokens (SQAT).

Syndiqate Roadmap

  • July 2022
    Seed Round

    August 2022
    Private Sale Round

    September 2022
    Public Sale Round

    October-November 2022
    Exchange Listing

    January 2023
    ETN Issuance

    January-February 2023

Syndiqate Mannschaft

Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Elchin Suleimanov
Founder & CEO
Stanislav Polyvyanny...
Co-Founder & Managing Partner
Kanat Iskakov
Co-Founder & CFO

Syndiqate Letzte Nachrichten

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  • Wenn Sie der Meinung sind, dass Probleme oder Probleme bei diesem Inhalt behoben werden müssen, oder wenn Sie Ihr eigenes ICO-Projekt zur Aufnahme einreichen möchten, senden Sie uns bitte eine E-Mail.
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