Summit Metaverse

Summit Metaverse

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The Summit Metaverse is a upcoming virtual real estate company offering exposure to this burgeoning industry via the Metaverses.
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Über Summit Metaverse

We facilitate the acquisition of virtual property along with a suite of virtual real estate centric services that are provided by pioneers of the crypto, blockchain and non-fungible token (NFT) industries. We will launch a user friendly website where users can buy and sell digital property’s with Summit Meta Token.

Monetize the metaverse

When you acquire a plot of land in SUMMIT, you become a key stakeholder in our platform, with opportunities to monetize your property through digital commerce, e-commerce, gaming, advertising, analytics and more.



Our financial protocol is built by security & privacy in mind. We combine a full fledged decentralized exchange platform, NFT marketplace & virtual world together to function as a complete economy

Digital Collectibles

Users can also publish, distribute, and collect rare assets issued on SUMMIT by other creators. Just as it occurs today in other virtual worlds, these digital assets will be traded inside this world through the scripting system and be backed by the aforementioned naming system.

Content Curation

Land Owners will gather around neighborhoods of shared interest. Being located near high-traffic hubs will drive users to the landowners’ content.

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