Strike Space Token

Strike Space Token

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StrikeN is a Web3 Shoot-to-Earn innovation with unique in-built features that allow users to equip themselves with NFTs in the form of spaceships
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Limit 100.00
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Über Strike Space Token


Users equip themselves with NFTs in the form of Spaceships. By shooting other spaceships in battle, users will earn $SST (StrikeN Space Token) rewards, which can either be used in-game, or cashed out for profit


3 generation spaceships are available in StrikeN. Each Spaceship is stronger than the previous Generation spaceship

  • Combat Space Cruisers

1st Generation Spaceship

They can be used to explore the galaxy as they have an amazing flight speed and strong communication satellites equipped. Player is able to enter the battlefield 3 times a day with this spaceship.

  • Typhoon Space Cruisers

2nd Generation Spaceships

They can be used to engage in deathly battle activities as they are specially designed to withstand any sort of dangerous blows. Player is able to enter the battlefield 4 times a day with this spaceship.

  • Trident

3rd Generation Spaceships

TRIDENT is equipped with state-of-the-art weapons and a defense system, which enhances its flight ability and is considered as the best among the spaceships. Player is able to enter the battlefield 5 times a day with this spaceship.

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