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In the early days, most humans despised the Starchi, so they wandered the Land, Seas and Skies in search of food, love and a new home. That is all until one fine day, humans approach a Starchi and find a way to befriend it. Lo and behold, Starchis and Humans slowly begin to form a bond and the relationship between the two kinds forms.
To be announced
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Über Starchi

The World of Starchi is overrun with greed, strife, misery, hunger and indifference. Humanity has lost its way and has forgotten its purpose, but most of all, it has forgotten that it alone does not inhabit the Earth. A darkness has spread across the planet, invisible to all but a species of never before seen creatures, called Starchi. Having dwelled within the Earth, and having survived on the energy of the Sun, the Starchi have now come out in search of new energy, for the Sun no longer shines upon their homes.

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