Stan World

Stan World

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Letztes Update


Digital revolution has changed entertainment forever. The Stars and Brands that took action and evolved became mega franchises while the others, dinosaurs.
Now blockchain revolution is changing things even more: activating real ownership, complete globalization, and equal opportunity.

Stan World is a virtual world platform where Stars & Brands launch their virtual resorts in a virtual world powered by blockchain

A virtual resort consists of “fan-fantasy” experiences and activities such as virtual concerts, nightclubs, shopping malls, galleries, rides and generates revenue from ads, goods, and services.
ICO Round 1-3
100% abgeschlossen
$875 000
harte kappe
17% limit abgeschlossen
Limit 5 000 000.00 USD
Harte Kappe 30 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 STAN
    0.75 USD
550,000,000 STAN
Token Sale - 55%
Team - 15%
Partners - 10%
Marketing - 10%
Reserve - 10%
Akzeptierte Währungen
Eingetragenes Land
United States
ICO Round Bonus:
Pre-Sale Round 1: $0.10 USD, 15% Bonus, 2019/09/26-2019/10/03
Pre-Sale Round 2: $0.25 USD, 10% Bonus, 2019/10/03-2019/10/24
Round 1: $0.50 USD, 15% Bonus, 2019/10/24-2019/10/31
Round 2: $0.75 USD, 10% Bonus, 2019/10/31-2019/11/07
Round 3: $0.75 USD, 5% Bonus, 2019/11/07-2019/11/14
Weitere Details
Ja ,

Über Stan World

Stan World: An online VR platform where popular stars & brands launch their Virtual Resorts.

Virtual Resort: A win-win for everyone
- Fans enjoy unique experiences in themed resorts of their favorite stars & brands (shopping mall, nightclub, concert hall, gallery, theme park, etc.)
- Stars & brands earn revenue generated through ads, goods, and services in the resorts (merch sales, event revenue, OOH ads, entrance fees, service fees, etc.)

Initial Resort Offering (IRO): Become a Virtual Resort owner with just one click! A limited sales event for buying ownership of the resort pre-launch (Q1 2020 launch)
- Resort ownership economy:
1. IRO:
- Stars & brands: sell partial ownership of their resorts to secure initial funding
- Investors: You can buy to become an owner and earn monthly returns
2. Secondary p2p auction market:
- Providing a chance for those who missed the IRO to buy
- Providing a chance for IRO investors to sell and make money
As the user base grows, revenue grows, along with your monthly returns!

Marketing power of Stars & Brands + Sufficient funds from Investors = Resort growth guaranteed
STAN coin - the key currency of Stan World - is powered by Ethereum to ensure that resort owners are compensated instantly, securely, and automatically.
- It is a utility token for:
1. Participating in the IRO
2. Distributing revenue to owners
3. Buying virtual goods & services in the resorts


1. Don’t speculate. Inside Stan World, 1 STAN = $1 always and will never change
2. Participate in the IRO and gain a 5-200% return per year.
3. Do not miss your chance of becoming an owner of a resort of 10,000,000 users. Participate in the IRO now, as more stars & brands, investors, and fans flourish!
4. 50:50 fair revenue-share model. Investors win, stars & brands also win.
5. Invest your STAN coins securely with confidence through blockchain technology.
6. The VR industry grew at a +10% rate reaching $30MM in 2019 and is estimated to grow 40x by 2021!
Do not miss your chance to participate in this rapidly growing industry

Get Stan Coins Today and your first-ever virtual resort!
The offer is limited so do not miss your chance. Own a resort, get paid.

Technische Information

You can earn Stan Coin by exchanging goods and services that you create with our AI creation tool.

Through blockchain technology, we have designed Stan World's ecosystem to provide fair and reasonable benefits to all participants. 

AI-powered creation tool will allow users to create anything at the ease of their command within minutes, thus providing the pure experience to explore their creative minds

Stan World Roadmap

  • Q4 2019: MVP

  • STAN coin sale
    MVP (Android, iOS, Oculus)
    Partnership Event
  • Q1 2020: Brand building

  • Closed-beta IRO Launchpad
    MVP 2.0
  • Q2-Q3 2020: Social s + Monetization

  • Open-beta IRO Launchpad
    Stan World Alpha
    Ads 1.0 (select advertisers: manual)
  • Q4 2020 - Q2 2021: Audience development

  • Stan World Beta - partial blockchain
    Ads 2.0 (select advertisers: self-serve)
  • Weiterlesen
  • Q3 2021: Launch

  • Stan World 1.0 Launch

Stan World Mannschaft

Verifiziert 100%

Aidan Kee Hoon Lee
Co-Founder & CEO
Peter Jung
Co-Founder & COO
Joon Kim
Joseph Park
Jin Yu
David Ko
Simon Lee
Kelly Cheng


Verifiziert 100%


$875 000

David Moon


Max Woon
Co-Founder & CTO

Stan World Interviews

Aidan Kee Hoon Lee
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Aidan (Kee Hoon) is the co-Founder/CEO of Stan World that built up the vision and the team + currently leading all aspects of fundraising, marketing, product dev, strategizing, and pretty much everything else building up the company with our co-Founders and the team.
What do you think about idea?
Stan World is a virtual world platform built and ran by multiple communities based on common interests.

We found that the strongest, and most genuine friendship bonds are formed between people who share the same interest and passion. As Stans - devoted fans - of multiple cultures ourselves, we understand that “Stanning” anything publicly – be it a show, movie, book, story, character, sport, band, artist, video game, brand, product, hobby, etc. – can be an act of vulnerability, especially in a world where people are under constant pressure of “being cool”, chasing vanity metrics (e.g., ‘likes’ and ‘followers’) to get accepted among “friends” and the general public.

Thus, we’ve created Stan World – an oasis of acceptance and support – where the reward of new, lasting connections is celebrated and the outside perspectives that try to delegitimize these spaces are ignored. It is powered by blockchain, VR, and AI, creating an ecosystem to reliably reward participants with Stan Coin - an ERC-20 utility cryptocurrency - which is the key currency of Stan World. We currently have the MVP/prototype out.

As the legendary philosopher Aristotle said, “Life is too short for shallow friendships.”
Max Woon
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I'm conceptualizing and creating new, creative and fun playable experiences in virtual worlds using a mix of AI, AR, VR and blockchain. I'm also creating a voice-based UI inspired by the Holodeck in Star Trek for anyone to easily create and interact in virtual worlds without the steep learning curve of 3D graphical tools. Think of what you want to create or play, talk like you would talk to Siri or Alexa, and the AI will try to figure out what you have in mind.
What do you think about idea?
We are creating a new creative economy for the masses. AI is expected to automate away up 40% of all jobs in 15 years. When self-driving cars and trucks become mainstream, what are the millions of Uber and truck drivers going to do? And the millions of retail, call center, and food workers? The only thing that cannot be automated away easily is our creativity. UBI can help the transition to unlock the creativity within each of us. In virtual worlds, we can create the realities we want without physical, geographical, cultural or economic limitations. We empower users to form teams and startups within the virtual worlds, and automate revenue distribution and accounting via blockchain smart contracts.
Peter Jung
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Responsible for day-to-day operations/procedures including company budgeting, legal compliance/research, marketing strategy, content management, branding, and design.
What do you think about idea?
Stan World is a virtual reality platform powered by blockchain and artificial intelligence to enable "Stans", extremely devoted and enthusiastic fans of someone or something, to build and establish communities based on common interests. Our goal is to empower Stans to easily become creators on the virtual platform through our creation tool powered by AI and be safely compensated for their creations through blockchain smart contracts
Joon Kim
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am a developer for Stan World, looking for applications of machine learning techniques in creating the virtual world.
What do you think about idea?
I am excited about building the next-generation social media that integrates multiple exciting areas of technology.
Joseph Park
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am a software engineer for Stan World and am currently working on Stan coin, Stan World's utility cryptocurrency.
What do you think about idea?
I am excited for the project moving forward as it combines new technologies to create something new that everyone can enjoy!
Jin Yu
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Jin is a member of the Business Development team, finding innovative ways to grow and reach audiences through Stan World.
What do you think about idea?
Stan World is an innovative and novel social media platform that is created by, of, and for the Stans
David Ko
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I advise Stan World on presenting/marketing its business ideas with the perspectives, priorities, and values of the investors in mind.
What do you think about idea?
A platform with the potential to open up unique avenues for creative freedom and shape the way we socialize
Simon Lee
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
My main role in Stan World is to provide recommendations and advices to our team with financial perspectives how we could make the best decisions.
What do you think about idea?
The idea of Stan World is another paradigm to enhance users' experiences in Virtual Reality and to build a new world with everyone's creativity.
Kelly Cheng
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am the business developer responsible for the Chinese market for Stan World, including forming a Chinese marketing strategy and managing marketing agency.
What do you think about idea?
I really like the idea of Stan World and I think it will revolutionize the way people, especially fans communicate and participate in social media.
David Moon
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I design blockchain structure.
Make Smart Contract.
Make Database in Blockchain
Also make paymentgate in project
What do you think about idea?
Blockchain is not a future, near to our world and also VR world is coming soon. We can create manything in VR world and We want connect real world VR world use the blockchain

Stan World Letzte Nachrichten

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