Speed Star JOC

Speed Star JOC

Created using Figma
Build your racehorse ranch, raise, train and breed your horses then race with them to the top to win great prizes.
To be announced
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Über Speed Star JOC

Do you have the skills to raise, train and care for the well-being of your own virtual horse? Can you use these skills to transform your equine into the very best racehorse it can be? Do you have the keen eye of a breeder to select the ideal partner for your horse? Could you develop the expertise to effectively manage a racehorse ranch with any offspring from this breeding? Or do you have the finances to invest and are willing to hire others? If you can answer yes to some of these questions, then the Speed Star simulation game within the Starverse universe is for you!! In the Starverse universe you can choose any role that suits. You can play the game as an investor, or there are several roles you can undertake as a player, such as being a virtual jockey, trainer, breeder or therapist! The game is developed by the Hell Factory team, and will run on the high-performance network Harmony ONE, and it is scheduled for launch on March 31st 2022.

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