

Created using Figma
Soldo is a private, decentralized cryptocurrency with open source code.
This allows everyone to take part in the Soldo network development.
  • Markt
    Band 24H
    24H (Preis)
    24H (Volumen)
  • TradeOgre
    SLD/BTC vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0272
    $ 10.41
  • BTC-Alpha
    SLD/BTC % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0429
    $ 636.38
  • CREX24
    SLD/BTC % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0006
    $ 1.16
  • BiteBTC
    SLD/BTC % count% vor einem Jahr
  • BiteBTC
    SLD/ETH % count% vor einem Jahr
  • Altmarkets

Über Soldo

Soldo based on CryptoNote technology but have the modified CryptoNight proof-of-work algorithm called SoftCrypton.

Nobody can owns or controls Soldo, it uses peer-to-peer technology. Soldo provides instant worldwide privacy protected transactions. Modern strong cryptographycs secures the Soldo network and authorize individuals to control their own finances and information. The private key is your bank account, without censorship and surveillance.

Soldo was designed as a light alternative to current Cryptonote-based coins. It should be mineable even with low-end PCs, including phones and tablets.

It’s allows the more egalitarian and widespread initial coins distribution process.

Blockchain size and network load plan to stay at reasonable level as well. Transfer’s tiny flat fee is another key point of Soldo for everyday use.

Soldo Team is planning to release all features required for flawless use in real life. Each Cryptonote-based coin has its weak and storng points. Soldo will borrow the strongest ideas from the most popular coins and combine all of them in the single coin.

Soldo will never be abandoned by Developers owing to clear Roles delimitation and existence of Project Coordinator, Auditor and Escrow, who control all digital assets of the project like domain names, chat/forums/messengers admin accounts, github repository keys and so on.

Core developers will be available for contacts and will accept any useful code updates at Github base.

Soldo is a private, decentralized cryptocurrency with open source code that allows everyone to take part in the Soldo network development. Privacy and security come naturally from using Soldo. The best solution for those who want to keep their financial privacy.

Instant private transactions are provided all around the world by the Soldo Network, they are totally untraceable, and they don�t require any additional fees. Fiat currencies are assigned to specific territories while Soldo is bound to the Internet and therefore is international by default.

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