Solana HODL

Solana HODL

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The Solana HODL Whales are a collection of 3,000 unique whales that are fleeing Earth in the year 6969 trying to avoid extinction. They're on a search for their power source $KRILL that will be essential to sustaining their lives, their companions, and eventually their babies. Our model: breed, stake, earn.
  • Markt
    Band 24H
    24H (Preis)
    24H (Volumen)
  • Serum DEX
    0X05089C9EBFFA4F0ACA269E32056B1B36B37ED71B/EPJFWDD5AUFQSSQEM2QN1XZYBAPC8G4WEGGKZWYTDT1V % count% vor einem Jahr
  • Quickswap
    0X05089C9EBFFA4F0ACA269E32056B1B36B37ED71B/ETH % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 114.91
    $ 31.744 M
To be announced
Weitere Details

Über Solana HODL

The $KRILL token is the only source that powers the HODL Whales and their entire ecosystem. It's not only essential for living, but also for enabling travel across the Solaxy. Without it we die, with it we prosper and thrive. As a whale owner you will be able to stake and mine for this coveted asset that will be needed to interact within our ecosystem: merchandise, events, breeding, etc. all will be enabled by the $KRILL token's power.

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