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A new paradigm in DeFi and impact investing
The DeFi universe keeps expanding, but its core potential for large-scale impact in the world remains untapped.
To be announced
Team and Advisors: 25%
Private Sale: 8%
Public Sale: 10%
Community Rewards: 37%
Ecosystem Reserve: 20%
Weitere Details
Plattform, Netzwerk

Über SocialImpact

Why choose between high returns and doing good for people and planet? Join us in making this a reality.

Despite the huge opportunity impact investing offers, the DeFi industry hasn’t yet awakened to its possibilities.

Social Impact Network bridges DeFI and traditional impact investing, opening the door for these two worlds to merge into one for a sustainable future that supports mass blockchain adoption.

Social Impact Network is a decentralized impact investing ecosystem
Offering DeFi APYs through ESG-driven real-world asset funds

- Real-world impact. Invest in real-world projects that have a positive impact on society while earning a profit.
- Early adopter gains. DeFi will eventually become the standard in impact and ESG investing. Watch your investment value increase as we take adoption to traditional markets.
- High returns. Receive the high yields you’re used to while adding impact to your investment.

Introducing a new era of DeFi-driven impact investing
Imagine a world where you can earn high returns while effortlessly making a positive social impact. Where you reward important real-world projects by increasing your own income.

We’re making that world a reality
Making profit and making a difference can work together. At Social Impact Network, we’re passionate about making real, measurable differences in the world.

The ecosystem
Expanding the DeFi investing experience
Expand your DeFi experience by investing into Sunny Pool and supporting real-world clean energy projects for large-scale social impact.

Improve your current yield farming experience with automated compounding and get SI Token rewards for providing liquidity.
Stake your SI tokens and become eligible to govern and vote for projects that make it into Sunny Pool.

- Invest in SI Pools and borrow liquidity to real-world asset projects.
- Deposit cryptocurrency and farm SI Token.
- Stake SI Token and participate in the decision-making.

Transparent and measurable impact with high yields
Sunny Pool is the first of many real-world asset funds on Social Impact Network. Specialized in solar PV energy investments, this pool combines real-world asset APYs with DeFi APYs.

CO2 emissions saved are tracked using IoT devices and stored in immutable smart contracts, with all projects supervised by aid organizations like UNDP.

SocialImpact Mannschaft

Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Cedric Lehmann
Felix H. C. Maduakor
Dr. Nikola Markovic
Nadja Bester

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