Snowcat DAO

Snowcat DAO

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Snowcat DAO limits supply expansion to 8 days, with massive buybacks totaling 80% of treasury on day 9! No admin treasury withdrawal! Buybacks use custom code!
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To be announced
DAO: 92,000 SCAT
DAI presale: 60,000 SCAT
Liquidity: 24,000 SCAT
MiniPanther MP token swap: 15,000 SCAT
Snowdog DAO giveaway: 6,000 SCAT
Incentives: 3,000 SCAT
Weitere Details

Über Snowcat DAO

Welcome to Snowcat DAO, a Special Purpose DAO (SPDAO) on the Avalanche (AVAX) C-Chain Network! Snowcat brings the concept of fast-and-furious 8-day "layers" to the DAO world. After operating under the standard DAO mechanics of staking and bonding for 8 days, 80% of all non-LP treasury funds will be used for buybacks on day 9!

Snowcat is a DAO with emissions that last only 8 days, and it ends with a MASSIVE series of buybacks totaling 80% of the treasury! However, unlike Snowdog DAO, it is not a rug!

Snowcat DAO is an exciting short-term financial game the likes of which had never been executed properly until MiniPanther, the team's previous short-term DAO. Unlike Snowdog DAO, the Snowcat/MiniPanther code directly ensures that all buybacks are made with transparency and fairness!

Snowcat employs a Selling Tax as a holding incentive! The tax is redistributed to stakers during rebases. To avoid the transaction tax when forming LP, you must use the Liquidity Helper on our website!

Snowcat DAO Roadmap

Snowcat DAO Mannschaft

Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Kurt Cobain
Lead Engineer

Snowcat DAO Letzte Nachrichten

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