Smol Token

Smol Token

Created using Figma
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Weitere Details

Über Smol Token

Welcome to Smols Run, a live-action hamster racing game coming to Solana, Ethereum and Blast.

The smols are pet hamsters that engage in friendly competition and light mischief across a growing system of tracks, mazes, landscapes and biomes.

We’re starting out with 10 smols, 1 race and 1 track. 

Main features 

The Smol Run

Intense hamster racing gambleFi action every day of the week. Bet money legos on real races and win up to 4x instantly.


Revenue Sharing Token (XXS)

Token stakers receive 15% of all active pots, 33% of DEX fees and 50% of Blast native yield.

Blast-Native On-Chain Games

Fully on-chain provably fair game mechanics with 100% free operation through Blast L2 native gas rebate.

Live Streaming

Broadcasting of races, special events and smol daily life snippets on Twitch, Tiktok and other platforms.

Creation of an epic real-life habitat

An entire smol city will develop as we mature, complete with more tracks, more games and a whole ecosystem of NFT-powered interactive contraptions.

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