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Über skillsbite

Our Mission

Nowadays where changes in career paths are more and more frequent (up to 12 times in a lifetime) and Covid-19 is deeply affecting the real economy and the job market, there is lack of sustainable model able to support everyone on every stage of job recruitment. In order to overcome operative limits of traditional obstacles and lack of resources to effectively help everyone, we launched skillsbite, the digital Resume Analytics software which makes use of artificial intelligence to support Jobseekers and Institutions.
We aim to help people just like us, who experience chaos while applying for multiple positions at the same and lack sufficient tools to be able to do so efficiently.
Our main goal at skillsbite is to educate job seekers on the proper ways to tailor and optimize a resume for Applicant Tracking Systems using by most of companies.

Our Vision

We strive to become the leading provider of artificial intelligence driven solutions in the European employment and career services support market. 

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