

Created using Figma
Simplex, a Nuvei Company, is the industry leader, changing the status quo of crypto on/offramps.
We enable our partners to sell to anyone, anywhere, any way.
To be announced
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Über Simplex

At Simplex by Nuvei we think big and act fast, giving you the opportunity to grow, innovate, and be part of the rapidly evolving financial landscape.

We are a global market leader and pioneer in the Web3 payments innovation space and we value those who question the status quo.

Simplex by Nuvei – the payment technology partner of Web3 brands.

Simplex by Nuvei is empowering the crypto industry with a full fiat infrastructure. We process crypto-to-credit card payments with a 100% guarantee – in case of a fraud chargeback, the merchant gets paid by us.

In September 2021, Nuvei, a leading global payment technology provider, acquired Simplex, offering partners a greater suite of fintech solutions to make crypto even more accessible to all.

Simplex Mannschaft

Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind


$40 000 000

Nimrod Lehavi
Co-Founder & CEO
Erez Shapira
Co-Founder & CTO
Ofer Bar-Or
Ari Last
VP Business Development
Mark Faber
VP Customer Success

Simplex Letzte Nachrichten

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