

Created using Figma
Shortage is a decentralized safe asset-backed by Ethereum.

RTG price floor increases after every transactio
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Über Shortage

Every RTG bought from Uniswap is replaced by ETH and part of the RTG transaction fee is burned. It is the same process for the RTG ‘sell’ transactions in terms of burn. Therefore, from a strictly mathematical point of view, the amount of ETH in the Uniswap is always more than enough to counter-balance the sold liquidity. As a result, the price floor increases after every RTG transaction.

In other words, a portion of the ETH in the Uniswap pool is permanently non-withdrawable even if the total circulation supply is sold, this portion increases after every RTG transaction, which eliminates concerns in its the long term viability. Moreover, the holder also earns returns on their RTG.

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