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Globale dezentrale Einkaufs- und Dienstleistungsplattform. Willkommen in einer neuen Ära des dezentralen Einkaufs für alle Ihre Bedürfnisse über die Blockchain-Technologie
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Über ShopCoin

SHC platform is created to provide a secure and decentralized platform where sellers and buyers are able to meet and transact at lower costs without the need for middlemen. Buyers will have the chance to purchase different items from one platform, saving time used to shop in different websites. SHC wishes to provide a faster and flawless shopping experience for the users of the platform. SHC provides shoppers and sellers from different regions across the globe a platform to interact and transact at low fees.

SHC is a shopping and services Eco-system powered, generated and controlled by user. With SHC, users of the SHC platform will be able to shop and spend their tokens without a limit. The system is powered by the users who hold the tokens, which run the platform. Through this platform you can shop for food, drinks, health services, beauty products and services, clothing and apparel, hotel and vacation booking and others. All these can be paid for using SHC.

SHC platform uses a reward mechanism to offer appreciation, compensation, recognition and benefits to the users. The rewards are in form of SHC that can be used to do further shopping on the platform or as a form of investment. This will in turn increase the amount of coins that users have in their wallets. The reward mechanism is used to promote the active users and encourage others to use the platform. The retail tokens will enable holders to obtain discount from merchants.

Users of this platform such as hotels, health facilities, ecommerce portals and vacation booking services can use the SHC integrated marketplace without paying any fees. With this decentralized platform, there will be no commission charged on the sellers in order for their products and services to be visible to shoppers. With the decentralized SHC eco-system, users of the platform only need to have SHC and be registered on the platform..


SHC hat eine Ökosystem-Community, die Startups überprüft und bewertet. Innovative Startups, die nach Geld und Know-how suchen, können sich bei der Plattform anmelden, um die entsprechende Unterstützung bei der Einrichtung zu erhalten. Die Ethereum-Blockchain ermöglicht den Zugriff auf die SHC-Benutzerbasis, sodass die Finanzierung von verschiedenen Token im Standard ERC 20 erfolgen kann. Der Shop COIN (SHC) wird auch leicht gehandelt und gegen andere Kryptowährungen an verschiedenen Börsen eingetauscht, wodurch sie für die Benutzer sehr liquide und wertvoll sind.

& nbsp;


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