

Created using Figma
Shiba & Tsuka whales coming together to create a community of Inu's and Dragons.
To be announced
Weitere Details

Über ShibaTsuka

Vision of sTSUKA

Dejitaru Tsuka, in Japanese lore, is the harbinger of abundance and wealth. Combined with the ferocity and distinctiveness of Shiba, ShibaTsuka represents an unstoppable force that nothing else can rival.

ShibaTsuka is a culmination of the two of the biggest communities, the Inu’s and Dragons. $sTSUKA is a place where members from both communities can come together in unison.

3% Tax is used for Marketing expenses

3% Tax is added directly into the Liquidity Pool

For those who sell before 24 hours of their Buy, there will be an additional 2% tax which will be added into the Marketing wallet and the Liquidity Pool.

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