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Welcome to the LEASH LOCKER feature! Use the scroll bar in order to set and lock your $LEASH, and gain access to the map. This easy-to-use tool allows early entry for you to bid, and purchase plots of land, during the first two stages of this first phase release: BID Event, and HOLDER Event.
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Shiba Metaverse Token ( New Generations ) is the culmination of our history as a community, virtually displayed, in a layer of beautiful visuals that showcase our innovation and unity with a place to truly call home. The Shiba Ecosystem will thrive inside the SHIB Metaverse project, meaning all tokens SHIB, LEASH, BONE, and SHIBOSHIS will play an important role as phases roll out. The development of this project will also gravitate great partnershibs, and foundational resources for the community.

We are building immersive experiences that will allow users to explore, benefit, and interact with a Shiba Inu Universe.
Our mission is to introduce a unique, fun, and exciting way to have users earn passive income, gather in game-resources, rewards, and even allowing them to have a personal space in which they will be able to build and manage their own projects.

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